A straight stroke can be doubled when it has:
An initial circle S:

spatter spatters splutter sceptre spider

spreader straighter scatter skater
scooter sector
A final N or F/V hook. As with halving, the stroke and
its hook are read first, then the doubling sound, then any final S:

pain paint painter painters

sprain sprint sprinter

ponder plunder printer splinter splendour

binder blender tender dander

chanter chunter gender render/renter

kinder counter grander granter

wonder winter
hunter yonder

dafter drifter crofter grafter rafter wafter
Another stroke before it:

operator chapter repeater creditor

tractor director educator

persuader dissuader
A final joined diphthong:

powder prouder touter doubter chowder

pewter disputer tutor/Tudor
When Circle S is added, a final joined diphthong can no longer be
joined, therefore the doubling cannot be done:

powders doubters tutors Tudors
(B) Doubling not used:
A plain straight stroke, or one with only an initial hook, is not

patter plotter plodder better bother brighter

broader brother totter trader debtor auditor

chatter jotter cater crater clutter gather

router reader water wider weather heater
Note that Way and Hay count as plain strokes.
A plain straight stroke is not doubled because it would look similar
to words like the following, where there is two of the same stroke:

pop bob tatty daddy judge

cake cookie gig rare
There are a few outlines that do end up identical in shape (although
not always identical in position) and these must be differentiated
by inserting the vowels:

pippin ponder, bobbin binder

baboon banter, deaden dander

cocoon condor uproar operator

yarn yonder, heron hunter
In compound words, a plain straight stroke can be doubled for words
that would not be doubled if alone, as there is more information in
the whole outline:

step-brother backbiter foregather ingather
(D) Ing
Use Dot Ing where stroke Ing would not join well or at all:

pandering pondering plundering splintering

cantering surrendering hindering

wondering powdering tutoring embroidering
(E) -ture
Doubling is used for -ture in a few words, in order to get a
convenient outline that cannot be misread for anything else:

picture fracture

structure structural structurally
Special Outline

typewriter typewriting typewritten
Short Forms

wonderful-ly rather/writer*
* This stretches the rules of doubling to gain
a convenient
outline, as a plain stroke Ray would not be doubled, although some books list this as a contraction
consisting of two of stroke Ray.

* Optional contraction

all sorts of
Straight strokes are only doubled if they have an
initial Circle S, a final hook, or come after another stroke:
spatter ponder operator
Doubled if it has a final joined
diphthong: powder
Doubling used in a few common words ending -ture:
picture structure

pander pointer punter planter

bounder brander blinder blonder enchanter

rejoinder engender seconder
gaunter grinder

ranter rounder wander
winder hinterland

crafter grafter liberator
rector regulator

electoral alligator protractor detractor

imitator refrigerator raptor adapter/adaptor

platter biter blotter traitor cheater

jitter daughter getter gritter

prodder bidder judder rider

header bather breather blather

captor capture, sculptor sculpture

stricter stricture reflector*
* It is helpful to insert the second vowel in
these and their derivatives

horticulture horticultural
*Optional contraction
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