Finally hooked strokes are halved to add a following T or D sound.
The T or D sound is spoken after the N Hook sound,
and the outline is the same, whether it is -NT or -ND that is being
N Hook

pain paint/pained
spin spent/spend bond band/banned

tent/tend dent
stand stunt* stint
* See below for "stunned, stoned,

count account kind

second gained kindly country secondly

round surround
burnt/burned turned

went/wend wind* want/wand
hint hunt behind
* Noun: air

find found/fount event thinned
land lent/lend leaned

shined* shunt/shunned
earned errand/errant mind amount anoint
* The past tense of "shine" when used
with an object: "I shined my shoes." Without an object the past
tense is "shone": "The sun shone all day."

painting pounding bonding tending

standing counting granting finding

amounting demanding
Use Dot Ing where stroke Ing cannot join:

renting parenting rounding surroundings

slanting shunting anointing landing landings
F/V Hook
The T or D sound is spoken after the F/V Hook sound
and the outline is the same, whether it is -FT or -VD that is being

puffed paved proved braved tuft dived

chafed achieved caved gift graft

rift served reserved waved/waived halved

drafting drifting
Use Dot Ing where stroke Ing cannot join:

crafting grafting gifting rafting
Derivatives halve the last stroke:

plant planted, blunt blunted, blend blended

tint tinted, taint tainted, attend

dent dented, drift drifted,
respond responded

extend extended, expand expanded
Change to stroke N F or V where the hook cannot be
written in the middle:

account accounted, discount
discounted, grant granted,

mint minted, mind minded mindful

land landed, faint
fainted, flint flinty

rent rented, want wanted, waft wafted
Where there are two hooks on the same side, and
another stroke follows, the hooked stroke tends to become curved, so
in some derivatives the hook is changed to stroke N to help keep the
stroke straight:

print printed, sprint sprinted, brand branded
If there is a vowel before the T or D, halving is not used:

punnet Bennett tonight donate donut granite

winnowed surfeit infinite minute minute
Note these where the Stee Loop cannot join:

kindest grandest
but roundest
in full
If there is a final vowel, strokes are used, so the vowel sign can
be written in. This also lets you know that there is a final vowel
in the word, when vowel signs are being omitted:

plenty pointy bendy dainty window windy
Special outlines:

downright (swerve) swerved*
(dwarf) dwarfed**
* Halving would not be not clear **
Halving not possible
These derivatives retain the original form:

stun stunned, stone stoned, stain stained

Compare: stand stunt stint
Mnemonic for Hooks

Clockwise: bRaiN, cRaNe
Anticlockwise: bLuFF, gLoVe
Short Forms

great guard gold cannot gentleman*
* Position is according to last vowel, in order to differentiate

greater greatest*
golden * Choice of outlines
Distinguishing Outlines

greatly gradually, giant agent agency

Holland Highland (Scotland*)
* Normal outline, downward L to
continue the motion of the circle
On a finally hooked stroke, the T or D of the
halving is spoken last: pain paint
Stroke N may be necessary for past tense: grant
Stroke N medially to avoid tendency to curve the stroke:
If there is a vowel before the T or D, use full
strokes: paint punnet

pen pent/penned happened point
appoint disappoint

pound sprained/spraint bent/bend bind
bound binned

brunt tanned
taunt tuned attendance

strained stent standard understand
resident president precedent

accident accidental accidentally

incident incidental incidentally

chant urgent merchant regent sergeant

scant/scanned skint/skinned craned

crowned crooned grind grand ground

cleaned gland gleaned inclined reclined

declined unkind reckoned beckoned

rant/Rand rent/rend rained/reigned
currant current

parent apparent torrent deterrent

waned wound* wound**
* Past tense of verb wind, to coil **Noun: injury

faint/feigned refined

assenting/ascending assigned zoned manned mooned

moment arrangement
renowned stagnant

pregnant repugnant indignant

extend expand respond extending
expanding responding

approved bluffed rebuffed achieved

heft huffed halved
heaved behaved

raft roughed surfed observed bereaved

cuffed craved gloved waft
draft/draught draughtsman*
* "draughtswoman,
craftswoman" are covered in Lesson 44 Medial W

lined loaned
lint lowland silent

amend amended demand demanded

remind reminded, mint minted

meant mental parent parented parental

second seconded glint glinted

hunt hunted, raft rafted

anoint anointed, vent vented,
ascend/ascent/assent ascended
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