The normal direction for L is upwards, but there are some stroke
combinations where stroke L is written downward, to make a clearer
Downwards after strokes N and Ing:

nail snail nil only unless

annual canal
mainly unlike unlikely

wrongly strongly
excitingly sparingly jokingly
Downwards after left curves N Ing F V Ith + Circle S.
The circle becomes flattened:

nicely densely council businesslike fossil vessel

thistle noiseless noiselessly
senseless faceless voiceless
Downwards for L-S-N,
L-S-Ing and L-S-V:

lesson lacing licence listen

loosen looseness losing elusive
Exceptions, in order to join the last stroke:

Note: "unsold unsoiled" are given in Lesson 21
Distinguishing Outlines
L is written downwards in the following, to make a more
compact outline:

column Calum calamity

film filming
Fulham fulminate

volume voluminous vellum
Vowel Indication
As L can be written both upwards and downwards, this gives the
opportunity to indicate the presence or absence of an initial or
final vowel.
Initial L:
Downwards before horizontal strokes K G M N Ing, if there an initial

lack Alec, lacks/lax Alex, leg

lame elm, laminate eliminate

long along, lino alone* align

Lenny* Alan, Lena Elena
* "Len, lone" are covered in Lesson
26 Final Hooks 1

But note Lasky Alaska because the
second stroke does not follow on immediately, there is a Circle S in
Outlines consisting only of a stroke L are always written upward,
and they retain it in derivatives:

lie lying, allow allowing allowance

ally alliance, ill illness

oil oiling oiliness
If the L is preceded by a circle or loop, then that S starts the
word and not the vowel or the L, so those are always written with
upward L as normal:

selling stillness stealing
No outline ever starts with a circle/loop and downward L.
Final L:
After F V Ray Yay and SK, the L is written downwards if there is no
final vowel, and upwards if there is a final vowel:

file fail fell full awful

follow fellow fully filo awfully

successful successfully, useful usefully

false falsely falsity Felicity, vole volley

vale valley, avail value, vile viola

level lovely,
rail rally

roll/role rely,
yell yellow
These have downward Ell to continue the
anticlockwise motion of the circle:

skill scale scaly

rascal rascally, fiscal fiscally
Derivatives keep the original direction of the L:

falling filing failing fouling availing levelling

railing rolling yelling scaling

valued yellowed falseness vileness
The following retain the original form but with a
second upward L at a slightly shallower angle so that both can be

foul foully, vile vilely, servile

skill skill-less, scale scale-less
If the outline already has an upward L, another is
added for
-ly, -less:

cool coolly, guile guileless

sole solely,
whole/hole wholly
compare holey

they will, this will, for sale
L is normally an upstroke
Downward after N, NS, to continue the motion
Downward before L K G M to indicate an initial
Final L can be Up or Downward after certain
strokes, to indicate the presence or absence of a final vowel

Nile Nell Neil/kneel knoll Nelson

annul annals analyse analysis enlist

unlaced denial senile manly meanly

unlucky analogous calumny

lovingly longingly exceedingly

admiringly daringly
puzzlingly kingly

nasal nestle tensely tensile

insole insolence counsel thusly

senselesslyAlison Lawson

adolescence unlicensed royal royally

facile fussily vassal Lovell Yale

egotistical fantastical artistical logistical

egotistically fantastically artistically logistically
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