We need one person here and one in the other office.
The alien had two eyes, two ears, two arms and two legs.
There are three trees and four roses in my garden.
Four of the five people have been interviewed.
We have six staff who have been here for seven years.
The shorthand speed class has eight students.

I saw nine young children out playing on the field.
I started work at ten and stopped from eleven to twelve.
He came to the town when he was about thirteen or fourteen.
At that time it was common to leave school at sixteen.
By the time she was seventeen she was quite tall.
The plans are for eighteen houses on this plot of land.

We have received nineteen orders for this product already.
We will need twenty chairs for tomorrow’s conference.
There were thirty sheep in the field on the farm.
I think forty of the visitors were from the north.
At least fifty or sixty of them are staying at the hotel.
The new factory has seventy day staff and eighty night staff.

Old Mr Green will be ninety next Saturday.
I think a hundred is not much to pay for that antique vase.
There are now a thousand names on the petition.
The top prize in the draw has risen to a million.
It is hard to imagine what a billion of something looks like.
The galaxy contains trillions of stars and planets.

I have a hundred things to do in the office today.
He gave me a thousand and one reasons not to go.
She gave me cash of four twenties and two tens.
We have five horses and six employees at the stables.
About a hundred people came to the meeting.
I am aiming to raise my speed up to a hundred.

Please get cash out for 300 and write a cheque for 900.
I have over 200 books on my study shelves.
They have built more than 350 miles of roads.
I heard that he paid 20,000 for that new sports car.
The cost of repairing the damage was approximately 75,000.
The football crowd was in excess of 50,000 fans.

They have pledged 9 million pounds for this project.
The cost of underwriting the project was 200 million dollars.
He said there are 8 billion stars in that part of the sky.
The population was set to rise to 5 billion people.
We estimate the distance of the star as 3,000 billion miles.
We cannot imagine how much 500 trillion actually is.

He said he is going to live to be a hundred years old.
They lived in a hundred year old house in the valley.
It was a thousand to one chance that it would happen again.
Only a few hundred people turned up at the match.
We saw a few hundred birds on the lake.
They gained a few thousand votes in the last election.

The galaxy is a thousand billion light years from Earth.
The star will burn for a hundred trillion years.
It is normal for a house to cost half a million in this area.
One part per million of the substance is not a safe level.
She said that they had won a million in the lottery.
It was a chance in a million to find the ring in the mud.

Many hundreds of children have passed through this school.
We saw many thousands of cattle roaming the plains.
Millions of people watched the royal wedding on television.
They say that hundreds of people have paid too much tax.
The factory produces thousands of cars every year.
The witness saw a man in his twenties leave the building.

All those born in the nineties will remember this song.
They were playing lots of eighties songs at the disco.
It will cost thousands of dollars to replace the engine.
The traveller had thousands of francs in cash with him.
The employees were owed thousands of rupees in back pay.
Millions of tons of rock are mined here every year.

The cost came to four thousand and three dollars.
The box contained ten thousand and six pounds in cash.
The price of the item was fifty thousand and twenty pounds.
The exact figure we have is five million and twenty six.
The cost was one million, two hundred and fifty dollars.
After one million and two hundred, they stopped counting.

The length of the sample was one hundredth of an inch.
The winners each received three hundredths of the total.
The particle is three thousandths of a centimetre wide.
The fragment is fifty thousandths the size of a grain of salt.
I don’t think we can imagine how small fifty millionths is.
You cannot see sixty billionths of anything with the naked eye.

Half the population voted for this person today.
A third of the class is over the age of nine.
A fourth of the members voted to cancel the project.
I used a quarter* of the tomatoes to make the soup.
This journey will use up a fifth of the fuel in the car.
I had only slept for about one sixth of the night.
* "quarter" Optional contraction

On the seventh day of our vacation the weather changed.
Joshua came in eighth in the two-mile race.
Jill was ninth in the queue for an ice cream.
You are the tenth person who has asked for that item.
They were saved at the eleventh hour by a phone call.
On the twelfth night of Christmas we had a party.

This is the thirteenth time I have tried phoning them.
I will come and see you on the fourteenth of
next month.
I may be able to come to the meeting on the fifteenth.
I will return from my trip on the sixteenth.
She is celebrating her seventeenth birthday today.
They reached the eighteenth hole on the golf course.

Brown's store is holding a sale on the nineteenth.
This is the twentieth time that the car has broken down.
Please put the thirtieth in your diary for our meal.
She is getting ready for her fortieth birthday next week.
The restaurant celebrated its fiftieth year of service.
My sixtieth birthday will be a very special occasion.

I have bought Sarah some lovely flowers for her seventieth.
Tomorrow is the eightieth anniversary of the Society.
I am amazed* that Matthew has reached his ninetieth year.
She received a voucher as the hundredth customer.
I don’t think we can eat one thousandth of the food here.
The factory saw its millionth car leave the production line.
* Always
insert the vowel sign in "amaze" and "amuse" and their derivatives

She wrote the numbers eight and eighty on the chalk board.
I have ten books and eighteen folders on this subject.
The tenth day was rainy and we returned on the eighteenth.
On Monday the fifth we celebrate our fiftieth anniversary.
On the seventh she is having her seventieth birthday party.
On the eighth I will have completed my eightieth day here.

The ninth of the month will be my ninetieth day of shorthand.
The numeral one can also look like the outline for eight.
The numeral six can also look like the phrase "this is" or "it is".
Keep the numerals clean and short without flourishes.
A wavy line under a numeral clarifies it is not shorthand.
A badly written number outline should be repeated in the margin.

I have used up one and a quarter pints of milk.
You need two and a quarter ounces of flour for this cake.
He ran three and a half times faster than the slowest runner.
This recipe needs four and three quarters ounces of flour.
The rate of tax rise was about five and a third percent.
They thought it would rise by six and two-thirds percent.

By lunch time I had mowed three-fifths of the huge lawn.
They said that two sevenths of our clients pay by cash.
Nineteen twentieths of this liquid is water.
The animal weighed three and one fifth pounds.
The length in inches came to about four and two tenths.
The width in inches was about six and one eighth.

The cost was just five thousand, after discount.
The height of the mountain is about two thousand metres.
The diameter of the planet is about sixteen thousand miles.
The crowd consisted of approximately 296 thousand people.
The party had 61 thousand votes in the last election.
It is said three thousand homes were hit by the floods.

I started work at the office at nine on Monday.
By Tuesday I had sorted out my desk and computer.
On Wednesday I attended a meeting for new members.
I took the minutes of a meeting on Thursday morning.
I handed in my report late on Friday.
I had Saturday and Sunday off after a long week.

January is a month of cold and wet weather.
In this area February can be very cold with snow.
I expect to see all my bulbs flowering in March.
I have to buy some Easter eggs in April.
We are going on a vacation in the middle of May.
We are hoping for good weather in June.

The forecast says that July will be hot with thunderstorms.
Everyone wants August to be hot and dry for their holidays.
In September our apple trees are full of fruit.
At the end of October we start to see leaves falling.
This November* has been very wet and windy.
It is unusual to have snow in December but not impossible.
* Always put cap marks under the contraction for
"November", as it is the same as "never" and both are time words

My birthday is on the 29th of March.
Mark is having his birthday party on the 13th of December.
The first of January is a good time to plan the year ahead.
I saw my first snowdrops on the second of February.
All my garden daffodils came out on the third of March.
I am hoping the 21st of April will be warm and dry.

There are a hundred cents in one currency unit.
The dollar is the currency now used in that country.
We went to Algeria where they use the dinar.
The euro is a fairly recent currency created for Europe.
He changed all his money into francs before leaving.
They were not sure how much one krona was worth.

In Albania the currency is the lek.
The peso is used in some South American countries.
The British pound has seen some devaluation recently.
We were told that the rand was what we needed to get.
He paid his workers in rupees at the end of the month.
The country of Israel has the shekel as its monetary unit.

The term shilling was British but is still used in Somalia.
The schilling is the former currency of Austria.
The yen is used in Japan and the yuan in China.
I paid one dollar for this book and 3 dollars for that.
She bought a large house for 600,000 dollars.
They quoted me a cost of 9 rupees for this item.

We thought 900 rupees was too much for this product.
He paid the shopkeeper 9 francs for the fruit.
We only paid 25 euros for the things in the market.
The pennies in the jar amounted to 95 pence.
The British pound is a unit of currency as well as weight.
A British pint is about four sevenths of a litre.

He gave me two thousand pounds for my old car.
The government set aside two thousand million pounds.
I gave them fifty thousand rupees to cover the cost.
She transferred fifty thousand euros to his bank account.
The cost of the watch was three thousand dollars.
He had more than five thousand dinar in savings.
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