I am glad that Leo is coming to visit us.
We saw Mario last week in the shopping mall.
My sister Leah will be coming to the house today.
We spoke with Maria and told her the news.
He said that Leo went to the show with Leah last Saturday.
We are delighted that Mario and Maria have arrived.

The person who invented this machine is a genius.
The plural of genius is geniuses or genii, with two meanings.
The radius of a circle is measured from centre to edge.
I have measured both radii and they are not the same.
A nucleus is the central part of a group.
This physics book has a section on the nuclei of atoms.

The plural word minutiae is Latin for small precise details.
We read all the minutiae of the formal agreement.
The trachea is a medical word for the throat area.
He studied the tracheae of several of the farm animals.
The cornea is the clear part of the front of the eye.
The eye doctor had studied many corneae in his time.

The cochlea is a spiral cavity in the internal ear.
The cochleae of these animals were studied in the lab.
A fovea is a small depression in a structure.
They noticed several foveae in the skull bones.
A stria is a narrow furrow, ridge or streak.
The rock formation showed many striae of different colours.

They had to radio their message back to base camp.
The difficult conditions
meant that radioing was not easy.
I am going to make a video of my time in the city.
I have been videoing some
material for my story.
The weather will be much snowier today.
The fabric could not have been
showier or more colourful.

It became blowier as the wind came from the north.
These sweets are chewier than the ones in the other bag.
The red sweets are the chewiest of them all.
This is the snowiest day of the year so far.
Yesterday was the blowiest day we have had for ages.
They had the showiest front garden in the entire street.

I have to catch the next train at the railway
We think his situation could be improved with more
We went on vacation to the south coast during August.
There was an evacuation of the building when a fire
broke out.
The evolution of our plans has taken several years.
My evaluation of their usefulness will be noted in
the report.

The class were not paying attention to the teacher.
Attenuation means becoming thinner or weaker*.
It is his contention that they had acted unfairly at
that time.
She knows that the continuation of her studies is
I have been granted an extension of time on my visa.
Extenuation is a weakening, lessening or toning down.
* "weaker" Outline derived from
"weak", compare outline for "wicker" which has Way plus hooked Kr

The shorthand notation classes have a low tuition fee.
Intuition is a rapid insight or perception of
The painting had a gentle gradation of colour in the
I attended my son’s graduation day in the college
This old house is not fit for human habitation.
His habituation to drugs caused him severe problems.

The accentuation of the eyes was achieved using
The fluctuation of interest rates is of great
His infatuation with the actress was quite
An insinuation is an indirect suggestion or hint that
The perpetuation of all these errors is causing us
The punctuation of his essay leaves a lot to be

The words she used in the report were ambiguous.
I think they wrote their reply quite ambiguously.
The ambiguousness of the text made translation
Lifting all the iron bars was a very strenuous
He laboured tirelessly and strenuously all day.
She was unprepared for the strenuousness of the task.

She was a virtuous person who was always honest.
They behaved most virtuously in difficult
His virtuousness was very clear to everyone he met.
She is an assiduous student who will go far in life.
I have worked assiduously in order to pass this exam.
His assiduousness in practising led to rapid

Continuous means uninterrupted, without a break.
The factory operates
continuously twenty-four hours a
The word continuousness means the same as continuity.
I found her to be a very contemptuous person.
She spoke most contemptuously of her family.
His contemptuousness left him with few friends.

It was very presumptuous of them to invite
They behaved most presumptuously in saying those
Their presumptuousness will get them into trouble.
The white cat was very conspicuous at night.
She dresses very conspicuously in bright red tops.
His conspicuousness meant he was easily spotted.

The dog looked quite innocuous as it slept on the
The child stared innocuously at the adults in the
The word ingenuous can mean innocent or gullible.
He replied rather ingenuously to my questions*.
The road took a sinuous winding route over the hills.
The path meandered sinuously through the forest.
* "question" Optional contraction

There is a very tenuous connection between these
These ideas are quite tenuously related to each
This is an ingenious invention for cleaning such
The prisoners had ingeniously made a way to escape.
I hope the group will use their good sense to stay
This was a completely senseless act on the part of the youths.

They had a very tense relationship over the years.
They spoke very tensely about their time in that
The word arduous comes from the Latin for steep or
The work at the building site was arduous and
They worked arduously to dig the big hole.
The arduousness of this task was a surprise to them.

All this stationery is now superfluous to
A superfluity is the same as an over-abundance.
She has a very mellifluous voice and quiet manner.
A mellifluent voice sounds as sweet as honey.
Incongruous is a way to say inconsistent or
The incongruity between his job and appearance was

The teacher’s job is to evaluate the efficiency of
the methods.
Something is evaluated when you determine the value
of it.
Customer numbers tend to fluctuate with the weather.
We found that attendance fluctuated throughout the
Her ambition was to graduate with top honours.
My cousin graduated from university last summer.

To infatuate means to inspire with an unreasoning
They became infatuated with the desire to make
It is easy to habituate oneself to something that is
I habituated myself to writing practice to improve my
It is not right to insinuate that she acted
They insinuated that he had used the funds

He wished to perpetuate his name through his
Leaving bread on the ground perpetuated the rat
It is very important to punctuate the text correctly.
The calm of the day was punctuated by a loud scream.
We shall situate the shed at the end of the garden
The new house must be situated six metres from the
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