The children collected colourful shells on the beach.
I sat in the kitchen and shelled peas for an hour.
I think that shelling the peas takes too long to do.
Shale is a type of rock formed from layers of clay.
We saw a shoal of herring swim past the boat.
The old lady sat with her shawl around her shoulders.

The water at the river’s edge was shallow and clear.
The high wall was enough to shield us from the storm.
There are many social problems in that part of the city.
We like to socialise at the club with our friends.
We had to shelter under the oak tree during the snowstorm.
He carried the heavy boxes on his shoulders to the car.

James is a very sociable person
who likes to talk.
She said her friend can often be a little unsociable.
A sheaf is a bundle of wheat stalks in a field.
A shaft of sunlight came through the leaves in the forest.
We will have to shift all the rubbish to the dumpster.
She wore a chiffon skirt and veil over the silk dress.

He had to shave a little off the wood to make it fit.
A chauvinist is one who is aggressively patriotic.
He took the knife out of its sheath to polish it.
The light breeze made the water shimmer in the sunlight.
We have to hire a chauffeur to drive the wedding car.
He went into town in order to buy a new shaver.

The kids began to shiver as they walked through the snow.
The dog was shivering badly after hearing the thunder.
I bought a silver salt shaker in the antique shop.
I weighed out the sugar for the cake I was making.
The horse was shackled to prevent it from roaming.
The shekel was the main coin of the ancient Hebrews.

They did not wish to associate themselves with that man.
We heard they associated with their friends in the next town.
The members of this association will be voting next week.
We had to disassociate ourselves from this nasty fellow.
He caught five fish on his fishing trip last month.
We need a stiffish broom to sweep away the mud.

I drew the plan on some roughish paper that was handy.
We saw the flash of the car headlights through the fog.
They had a very vicious dog that growled at everyone.
They threw a lavish party at The* Grand Hotel.
It was a slavish reproduction of a famous painting.
She looked absolutely ravishing in the ball gown.
* Not using Tick The, as it is part of a name

He was a little peevish when he found all the cookies gone.
The gang of boys had a thievish look on their faces.
I will be glad to finish the book so I can start on the next one.
He had a fiendish plan to get revenge on them.
The special soap made the stains
vanish in no time.
The outfit he wore to the party made him look a little foolish.

You have to shuffle the cards so they get mixed up.
He shuffled along the seat to get closer to the window.
The kids were shuffling about on the sofa.
I am looking for a shovel in order to clear the snow.
Chivalry is the customs of knights in the Middle Ages.
The road had chevrons to show cars where to slow down.

I planted a new bush by the front door of my house.
The comments from the boys made the girls blush.
I will have to get a new brush for the carpet.
She brushed her hair and then brushed her teeth.
I have to put out the trash every Monday morning.
The house had been badly trashed by the tenants.

I sent a letter of appreciation to the hotel manager.
We greatly appreciate all the help you have given us.
The children appreciated being given the box of toys.
The depreciation in the value of our savings was a concern.
The meal was atrocious and certainly not at all nutritious.
Meretricious means alluring in a tawdry and false way.

We met the bishop when we visited the old cathedral.
Everything is shipshape, clean and tidy round here.
A sheepshank is a knot that shortens a rope temporarily.
She had a very sheepish look on her face after that.
We have seen some suspicious activities going on.
This is a very auspicious day for our Society.

Tosh is a slang word for mild nonsense.
Tush is an exclamation of impatience or contempt.
He opened the attaché case and took out the papers.
This wine is sweetish and rather pleasant.
He was described as tall with a moustache and sunglasses.
We went to the town of Saltash in the south west.

Succotash is a dish of corn, beans and peppers.
I must dash to the bank before it closes.
They dashed from the house to the car in a great hurry.
We prefer the dishes that they serve at that
The road surface had become dished with the heavy traffic.
Dishevelled hair is unkempt, untidy or disarranged.

She had an oddish way of walking with a slight limp.
The kids ate the pies but left the radishes on their plates.
The sky turned a reddish hue as the sun set behind the hill.
My Swedish friend is studying the Yiddish language.
Modish is an older word for fashionable, trendy or stylish.
She is a faddish person, with a new fad every week.

We fished on the lake all day and caught six fish.
He jumped up in a flash and flashed his torch at them.
She lavished endless gifts on her sons and daughters.
The barbarians invaded and ravished the village women.
An officious person is aggressively
We asked him if he would officiate at the wedding.

A novitiate is the period of being a religious novice.
His knavish behaviour has lost him many friends.
We had to refresh the screen constantly to see the data.
Taking time out in the park has really refreshed us.
These new taxes will impoverish many folks in our town.
The villagers were impoverished by the poor harvests.

The kids like to eat mashed potatoes and beans.
They said the car had smashed the land speed record.
We came home from our trek cold and famished.
The robbers ambushed the travellers as they passed by.
We shall have to lash the gate to the fence in this gale.
The rain and hail lashed at the windows with great force.

They are going to slash the prices in the January sales.
The newspaper said that house prices have been slashed.
I am going to polish all the silver in the cabinet.
He polished his new car until it shone like a mirror.
They are going to abolish all these unpopular laws.
The report said that the penalties have now been abolished.

I will be sorting out my stash of yarn and fabrics today.
She had loads of small boxes stashed in the attic.
This is the lushest this lawn has been all year.
I was the shiest kid in the class many years ago.
She had the ashiest complexion I had ever seen.
We think this is the trashiest novel of them all.

I shall be talking to Mr Fisher at the next meeting.
My friend used to work as a fisherman in the bay.
I am booked for a facial session at the beauty salon.
There was a lot of pressure to finish the project on time.
The bosses were pressuring them to work longer hours.
A bushel is a unit of dry measure, of
about thirty-six litres.

Food that is kosher is fit to eat under Jewish dietary laws.
I shelled all the boiled eggs and put the eggshells in the bin.
He replied sheepishly that he had forgotten the wine.
She snapped waspishly that it was not her fault at all.
I need to put up another shelf for all these books.
This project has been shelved due to lack of funds.

We had a shellfish dinner at the beach café.
The wooden box was painted in a shellac varnish.
We met some British people on the beach in France.
They saw some brutish people as they walked along.
A pastiche is a poor imitation of an artistic piece.
A pistachio is a greenish nut related to the cashew.

If you say one thing, he will say the opposite.
We refused to listen to the naysayers in the office.
The people are saying that they wish to see changes.
I saw that Joe had bought a new saw for his woodwork.
My grandfather had worked as a sawyer on a farm.
He spent many hours each day sawing logs for sale.

I can see you on Monday to see how you are doing.
All audiences can be divided into seers* and hearers.
I am seeing if I can finish the book by the end of the week.
I prefer to sew all my own clothes as much as possible.
I saw an advert for sewers to join the sewing classes.
They have been sewing their own gym bags at school.
* "seer" One who sees, pronounced see-er; the
other meaning of "prophet" is pronounced the "sear" and has a plain dot vowel

Late spring is the best time to sow those seeds.
The sowers would walk down the field scattering the seed.
I shall be sowing the tomato seeds when it is warmer.
They began to sigh when they remembered their friends.
He said do not be a sigher but look ahead to the future.
I heard a lot of sighing amongst those in the audience.

They decided to sue the people for causing the accident.
She said the suers are taking the matter to court.
We will be suing the business for the cost of this repair.
The course of action she is pursuing will be successful.
He escaped from his pursuers by hiding in a barn.
The dog was pursuing the sheep all over the field.

If you do that, I think trouble will soon ensue.
The ensuing accident was a shock to everyone.
I have seen Thomas and told him I have sewn up his
They purchased several sawn planks to repair the fence.
He said that Jack sawed all the wood for him.
They sighed when they heard they were being sued.

They pursued the robber and a fight ensued.
A sow is a female pig, whereas the male is a boar.
They installed new sewers leading to the treatment plant.
I remember Stacy and all of Stacy’s jokes at school.
Stasis means a state of inactivity caused by opposing forces.
The paper described the different stases and their causes.

They really enjoyed the science class at school today.
We have now processed all the scientific data.
She suffered from severe sciatica for many years.
The surveyor has reported that the sewage pipe was cracked.
Sam showed us photos of road signs in Siam.
The traders had to sell their wares in the searing heat.

She started her job today as manageress of the shop.
The lady was an heiress who inherited a large fortune.
We were delighted to have a visit from the countess today.
The woman* in this story was a prominent Jewess.
At the Sunday school they heard the sayings of Jesus.
Moses led his people in the desert for forty years.
* Special outline above the
line, compare "women", see Lesson 26

We read that she was a princess in her own country.
My mother was a deaconess at the church for many years.
In chapter one the prophetess speaks to the hero of the book.
The murderess was sentenced to life imprisonment.
She worked as a cateress for a wedding caterer.
The actress spent the winter working as a waitress.

The task was dangerous but he liked to live
Pious means devout, reverent or godly.
The monks lived and acted piously all their lives.
The music was joyous and we all sang loudly and
It is very advantageous for us to learn how to write
The events turned out most advantageously for us.

We feel the managers are deficient in business
They are making good progress to correct this
These plans deal with all these issues rather
We found him to be very proficient in the English
He carried out the work very proficiently and
I visited England and gained great proficiency in the
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