The students drew a map of the principality for homework.
We heard that the municipality has plans to improve roads.
The prosperity of the country depended on its exports.
Customers were asking about the availability of discounts.
There is some flexibility in the staff working hours.
His credibility was damaged by the things he said.

They questioned the acceptability of these actions.
The inspector was concerned about the stability of the house.
Visibility on the foggy road was about ten metres.
The notes say that this patient has long-term mobility issues.
We do not doubt their capability to complete this job.
We are very satisfied with their reliability and skill.

We are not sure about his suitability for this post.
The chapter tells of the hostility of the northern invaders.
They are full of praise for the hospitality of the guest house.
Their report says that the infant mortality rate has fallen.
Our new house has yet to have the utilities installed.
They were delighted with the versatility of the tools.

This firm insists on consistent punctuality from its staff.
I was amazed* at the dog's
fidelity to its cruel owner.
The majority of them realised the fragility of the peace talks.
She has completed the formalities to join the Society.
He advised on the
practicality and technicalities of the repair.
They were surprised at the illogicality* of his plans.
* "amazed" "amused" Always insert the vowel in
these and their derivatives
* This outline is incorrect in the
large red shorthand dictionary

The children’s paintings showed great originality.
The criminality of such practices* is quite obvious.
A minority of the residents have objected to the proposals.
The regularity of your shorthand practice will bring results.
The accountant found many irregularities in the figures.
The singers enjoyed great popularity in the twenties.
* The first S sound is omitted in the
contraction, therefore it is only necessary to write circle S for the last S
sound, and not Ses Circle

There is a great similarity in the style of these paintings.
In astronomy a singularity is another name for black hole.
We all enjoyed Fred's constant jocularity.
He spoke in generalities about the laws and customs.
He had a long and successful career in the Admiralty.
His joviality made him the ideal person to
play Santa.

The gathering at the pub was convivial and friendly.
A jovial person makes for conviviality and fun.
We arrived at the casualty department of the nearby hospital.
He made a casual remark about what he had seen.
The sensuality of the film was an issue with the censors.
The word sensual means lacking in moral restraints.

The quality of the drinking water in the locality is very good.
He shows his individuality in the clothes he wears.
The pub’s speciality is fish dishes and home-made bread.
There was great subtlety in how he chose his words.
She showed great humility in helping them in that way.
Their cruelty to the creatures was punished by the courts.

It is necessary to check the compatibility of these methods.
We are very grateful for the loyalty of our customers.
You must write your nationality on the application form.
There is a high penalty for the late return of tax forms.
She retained all her faculties well into her nineties.
This program is not compatible with my new computer.

They led a very austere life in the mountain villages.
We discussed the spiritual aspect of his autobiography.
There is a strong possibility that he will get the post.
They need to understand the absolute
finality of my decision.
After the abnormality of war,
they returned to normality.
He shows too much familiarity to those he is not familiar with.

I used a biological washing powder on the grass
The doctor found no physiological reasons for his difficulties.
I will be going on a geological survey trip next month.
I enjoyed my time helping at the archaeological dig.
Please put all these papers in chronological order.
They discussed all the
sociological reasons for these troubles.

This university has pioneered many technological advances.
They made a report on the patient’s psychological issues.
I like to check the meteorological forecast every day.
They studied all the ecological effects of the new product.
It is perfectly logical to study the subject you mentioned.
It would be illogical to take this skilled job on such low pay.

My shorthand studies are going forward at a good rate.
I think they really should stop looking backward to the past.
The birds all flew upwards and landed in the tree.
I did not wish to look downwards from the high balcony.
We shall hurry onwards and get home before dark.
My thoughts turned inwards to my own circumstances.

She was an awkward child who never did as she was told.
He said that he fell very awkwardly on his knees.
We have a cottage on the westward side of the island.
Edward was delighted to receive a reward for his bravery.
Mr Hayward can often be an awkward character.
We have an office on Haywood Road in the south.

I am having a backyard sale to make room in the garage.
They planted a large vineyard on the south facing slope.
His job in the shipyard was very noisy and hard.
The old graveyard was full of wild flowers and trees.
He wrote about his time at the steelyard many years ago.
The assistant wore a name badge on a lanyard.

We are in doubt* as to his ability to speak the language.
I have a certificate to prove my ability in this subject.
You will have to prove your ability to write as fast as that.
I have asked them about their ability to perform the task.
If they have sufficient ability to pay, we can do this for them.
I have run the race to the best of my ability.
* "in doubt" is best not phrased, so it
does not look like "no doubt"

I am not sure of the correct spelling of this word.
I think those words in paragraph two should be changed.
We have to use all those words in our English essay.
The author has written many words on this wide subject.
The owner of the shop was a person of few words.
The witness described everything in his own words.

We knew this was something they would enjoy doing.
She said that would be a convenient time to call.
I think they would have preferred to take the day off.
I would never wish to travel to town in the rush hour.
We told them we would not be looking forward to the winter.
We would like to have a breakdown of the costs involved.
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