The customer made the payment on a credit card.
I bought some shoes to complement the new dress.
I received many compliments on my new outfit.
We are making the basement into a games room.
I found this valuable ring in an old box of oddments.
I received very good treatment at the clinic.

I am sending the photos as an attachment to the
His detachment from the circumstances was a concern.
We live in the catchment area for that particular
I have taken up employment at the tax office.
They must sign the agreement papers as soon as
We have completed our assessment of the work

The movement of trucks is affecting the environment.
The filament inside the light bulb was very bright.
They claimed that they had no involvement with the
The students did some experiments in the science lab.
They were satisfied with the fulfilment of
their orders.
We all stood in wonderment at the huge mountain range.

I have bought some ointment for my dry hands.
The book discusses the Ten Commandments of the Bible.
It is a testament to his honesty that he spoke up.
She works in the bereavement centre at the hospital.
His embarrassment at the mistake was clear to see.
I think the development of this skill will take more

The judge declared a postponement of his
I am waiting for a consignment of papers from them.
The refinement of his manners is obvious to everyone.
The plans include the alignment of the houses with the river.
The buildings were all aligned with the main road.
He was given some liniment to soothe the bruises.

I planted some trees as an enhancement to the garden.
We made merriment to the accompaniment of the
We took some pictures of the large stone monument.
He lives in a small tenement in the northern suburbs.
I swept all the leaves off the pavement near my house.
I have laid a paving path from the house to the gate.

We are delighted to hear of his achievement at school.
She is going to celebrate the achieving of this promotion.
The patient did not like his confinement at home.
I think that confining the dog to the shed was not right.
We all heard the announcement of this on the radio.
The announcing of this on television was surprising.

They are planning an experimental traffic scheme.
We have invited all the heads of department to the meeting.
The meeting of the departmental staff
starts at nine.
This plan increases traffic to the detriment of the residents.
It may be detrimental to change all the staff hours.
She has a very quiet and pleasant temperament.

He was a very temperamental person much of the time.
It is fundamental to our plan that the changes are incremental.
We think their reasoning is fundamentally flawed.
We are considering the environmental issues of this proposal.
They are building an environmentally friendly house.
We thought the speaker was quite judgemental in her talk.

The birthday card had a very sentimental poem inside.
I think the sentimentality of this tale is rather overdone.
We are not fond of the sentimentalism of these stories.
Their help with the project was instrumental to its success.
We think they made a monumental error in doing this.
The insect had a segmental body and a long tail.

We read the governmental paper on mental health
The patient is mentally at the
age of six.
We stood in awe of the elemental grandeur of the canyon.
He said it is quite
to value these ornaments.
We visited several ornamental gardens last week.
The gates to the mansion were very tall and ornate.

His playfulness with words makes the stories more interesting.
Their faithfulness in supporting us is greatly appreciated.
I am mindful of the fact that his talk is on
The dreadfulness of her handwriting was a concern.
We shall achieve all our goals in the fullness of time.
We were appalled at the awfulness of the attack.

He received a medal for his selflessness on that day.
The mindlessness of their actions calls for
a quick response.
The faithlessness of some members does not help our group.
They were surprised at his callousness over the incident.
We know that carelessness with
machinery* causes accidents.
Their hopelessness faded when they saw the rescue boat.
* Optional contraction

Their friendship has lasted through many difficult years.
We arrived at the township at about midday.
Our partnership with this business began six years ago.
The ownership of the land has passed to our client.
We have a very good relationship with our neighbours.
He learned his horsemanship during his early years.

All these leaders showed great statesmanship in their time.
They were very pleased with the workmanship on the house.
Her leadership during the strike was very strong.
James has been awarded a scholarship to the college.
Mary has completed her apprenticeship with the firm.
It was noted that membership numbers have increased.

The families suffered great hardship during the war.
The treasurer is responsible for stewardship of the funds.
They married after a courtship of three years.
His lengthy discipleship was of great value to him.
The people were living under a cruel dictatorship.
The club members are having a fellowship lunch today.

Many people came to worship in the new church.
The book discussed Paul’s apostleship amongst other things.
We have read the history of the first big airships.
The film was about adventures on a starship in the future.
He wrote a book about the old steamships.
The Queen attended the launch of the new flagship.

He started his naval career on a large warship.
Unship means to unload a ship or disembark from it.
We shall reship these goods to you within two days.
The fire ship was loaded with explosives as a weapon.
The children had a ride on the spaceship at the theme park.
I have read the stories of the battleships during the war.

She worked in the tourism industry for five years.
He aims for realism in his drawings and paintings.
They showed great heroism during the terrorist attack.
His egotism did not endear him to his family and friends.
This book is full of archaisms and unusual words.
To exorcise is to perform an exorcism, casting out evil spirits.

In the exercise book were notes on atheism and
He shows great cynicism when they discuss
A neologism is a newly created word.
They agreed with our criticism of this course of action.
They began to criticise her when they disagreed with her.
Fanaticism is extreme and unquestioning zeal for something.

The book on Catholicism included a chapter on
His stoicism in the face of these difficulties was admirable.
A stoic is a person unmoved by passions of joy or grief.
Narcissism is vanity, an excessive fascination with
The narcissus is a daffodil with multiple small flowers.
She wrote a paper on parasitism in plant organisms.

Her perfectionism began to grate on those she worked with.
His positivism and confidence lifted the mood in the room.
Objectivism is the tendency to concentrate on external things.
Subjectivism* lays stress on internal or mental processes.
The student’s essay contained many unusual Americanisms.
Darwinism is the belief in the theories of that scientist.
* Optional contraction

He was the leading Protestant minister of that period.
The book deals with Protestantism versus other religions.
The leaders were accused of despotism and ruling by terror.
Patriotism is an enthusiasm for one’s country or nation.
There must be no favouritism amongst the school teachers.
His pragmatism was appreciated during those difficulties.

I am creating a poster to advertise the sale next month.
This post has been advertised in the local newspapers.
I saw the job in an advertisement in a shop window.
They have been advertising this post for the last two months.
Some people say ad for short when they mean advert.
The advertiser forgot to include their phone number.

They elected a leader to govern the province.
The committee governs how much money is spent.
He governed the country for six years in total.
The party will be governing until the next election.
The government are planning to promote vegetarianism.
The governor of this area is a well-known vegetarian.
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