The cars were stopping outside the big store.
The rain is seeping in through gaps in the roof.
The group of tourists were eating dinner on the veranda.
I have a letter stating the details and repeating the request.
We shall be reinstating them to full employment.
I spent an hour watering the tomatoes in the pots.

We can use our existing desks in the new office.
The customer was insisting on seeing the manager.
He said it is no good resisting all those delicious cakes.
The forecast says the fog will be persisting for several hours.
I was itching to get started on my shorthand book.
The stitching on the coat needs to be mended.

I am attaching the latest accounts to the report.
We heard the cat scratching at the front door.
I will need to buy some matching shoes in the sale.
The boys will be fetching their own footballs to the game.
I will be potting up the flower seedlings.
It began spitting with rain as we left the house.

It was hard work toting the heavy shopping bags.
Auntie will be treating the kids to ice cream and sweets.
I was hesitating over whether to buy some new shoes.
It is very frustrating to have so many letters to answer.
We went through the rotating door into the store.
It would be cheating to eat sweets when on a diet.

The laundry is airing out in the back yard.
He was erring on the safe side with the measurements.
I spent half an hour pairing all the socks in the drawer.
The film was really boring and we all fell asleep.
The children were tearing open their presents.
The boats broke loose from their* moorings in the storm.
* Doubling for "their"

We watched the seagulls soaring over the cliffs.
I am storing all my newspaper clippings in the loft.
The medicine is really curing this nasty cough.
She made some glaring errors in the English exam.
It was hard work freeing the car wheels from the mud.
I put some coverings on the garden chairs to keep them dry.

We shall be raffling a hamper of food at the village fete.
I watched a bee hovering over the yellow flowers.
This tall building is rivalling the one next to it.
I spent a long time unravelling the knitted scarf.
I do not like to see anyone grovelling for attention.
The child was snivelling after losing the coins.

The medical staff were dispensing tablets to the patients.
I saw a big ball bouncing along the road.
I felt myself tensing my muscles and clenching my teeth.
Her lovely wedding dress was most
The youngsters were dancing at the club till midnight.
I would be chancing my arm if I asked for more.

Later on this morning I will be posting all the letters.
He is always boasting about his business abilities.
The extension on this house is costing far too much.
The patient had been fasting for twenty-four hours.
The bathroom windows were always misting up.
The sparrows are nesting again under the roof.

From next week I will be assisting the
accounts manager.
My builder says that all the walls need plastering.
The crowd was clustering around the market stall seller.
I am making progress in mastering the subject of shorthand.
The nurse spent the morning administering the medicines.
These old sofas will need reupholstering very soon.

When the sun is shining, I will be shining the windows.
It is getting cloudy and the wind is freshening.
The boys have gone caving in the nearby hills.
The family were grieving after the death of their grandma.
Tom will be running in tomorrow’s big race.
They are burning the stubble off all the fields today.

The class spent the morning learning to write.
We found a stray dog wandering in the road.
We will be wintering the cattle in the rear shed.
I am renting a house in the city to be nearer the
The kids like winning and do not enjoy losing.
We took the winding path through the dark woods.

I am spending a lot of time honing my shorthand skill.
I have been hunting for this rare book for many years.
I called in a roofing contractor to replace the tiles.
The lads are going rafting on a very dangerous river.
The cars were weaving dangerously through the traffic jam.
The aroma of fresh coffee was wafting through the room.

In my talk I will be mentioning all our new projects.
The engineers spent two hours tensioning the cables.
I heard the police officer cautioning the motorist.
These new shoes will be good for cushioning your feet.
It was quite difficult positioning all the parts in the clock.
The army were requisitioning the land for target practice.

I have been testing this new shorthand pen for a week.
She is a very friendly and trusting person.
He said he was only jesting when he spoke about them.
The boss was suggesting that we change the staff hours.
I watched the artist fashioning a figure from the clay.
The teacher was motioning for the child to stand up.

I am sorry to report that he spoke most insultingly to them.
The kids at the next table were irritatingly noisy.
The cakes were laid out temptingly on the table.
He agreed acceptingly to the revised terms of the sale.
The accounts report has been frustratingly difficult to write.
She hovered hesitatingly in the doorway of the room.

The people gave unhesitatingly of their time and money.
He said that interestingly his ancestors lived in that village.
We heard that, most excitingly, Tom got that job.
They unsuspectingly walked into the darkened room.
We stood admiringly by the bride as she posed for photos.
The can said to apply the paint sparingly to a clean surface.

They had been hoarding loads of junk for very many years.
The passengers were boarding the six thirty train.
They asked if affording a new car was possible.
We are discarding all our old clothes that are worn out.
I shall be doing the task of stewarding at the village fair.
The witness described the man as old and balding.

The maid’s job for the morning was folding all the sheets.
The money we invested is yielding a good return.
I watched the baker moulding the dough into batons.
She was withholding payment because of the error.
We need to hold a meeting of all the staff very soon.
We are holding two meetings for the members this afternoon.

I watched the big tractor ploughing the field.
The child was pouting and complaining to her mother.
The weeds are sprouting too quickly in the garden.
They were powdering their faces before going on the stage.
They have been touting their answer to the problem for years.
He was doubting that the project would be completed in time.

The pipe was spewing muddy water all over the path.
I am enjoying my new job in the computing industry.
The chef was stewing the vegetables in a large pan.
The neighbours began disputing and feuding over this.
Susan will be tutoring my children in music.
They were in the woods hewing wood for the stove.

She was angry and vowing to get revenge on them.
We have had three people viewing our house today.
They will be suing the firm for the damage caused.
The bank is issuing revised terms for savers.
We saw scores of people queuing outside the store.
We spent the afternoon barbecuing sausages and snacks.

Our cats are always mewing and arguing.
I will be renewing the arrangement I have with them.
The kids are really valuing their time at home.
He is imbuing his paintings with a great sense of peace.
There is no denying that he has done very well at school.
They were bowing to the audience after the performance.

I am being kind while she is being rather mean.
I am doing my work and doing it very fast indeed.
I am going to have lunch and then I am going shopping.
If I were having a party, I would be having a great time.
If you are always wishing, you will be wishing your life away.
The students were glad to be nearing the end of the day.

The leaflets were influencing people to worry about things.
It is not surprising that he has passed his driving test.
He said that owning a car was a great advantage.
I shall be calling them first thing tomorrow morning.
We are making plans for the children’s future schooling.
I will be speaking on the interesting subject of local history.

The parents were telling the children to play quietly.
The managing director will be chairing the meeting.
The crowd was cheering when the first goal was scored.
The girls were balancing on top of the low wall.
Please check the wording of the leaflet before printing.
This shop has been trading here for thirty years.

I am coming to visit you next Monday.
All their comings and goings are recorded on video.
We shall be giving this car to our son shortly.
They had some misgivings about the sale of the property.
They were subjecting the machine to severe testing.
They insisted on believing that there would be no problems.

We are delivering our goods to customers free of charge.
He wrote a letter signifying his annoyance at the delays.
He spent a whole week inscribing the football cup.
I spent some time thanking everyone for coming.
I will be thinking of you on Saturday at the wedding.
Thank you for informing us of your change of address.

The children will be performing a play in the school hall.
This firm has been manufacturing car parts for us.
I was expecting to see them over the weekend.
The directors will be inspecting the offices tomorrow.
Some members of staff are representing us at the conference.
She was remarking how good Mike has been at practising.

I was remembering all the times at my old school.
I have been numbering all the essay pages by hand.
The dog had no distinguishing marks to enable recognition.
The fire crew spent a day extinguishing the blaze.
He will be relinquishing his post as sales assistant.
He is very good at characterising people in his novels.

I have ordered new bedding for the hotel rooms.
They were breeding rabbits for sale on the farm.
My fingers were bleeding after cutting the roses.
They have been debating the different ways of budgeting.
I will be deeding all my property to my son.
They were dreading the arrival of the fierce storm.

The kids were fidgeting on the long train journey.
They held a staff meeting for promoting job opportunities.
The museum is only admitting those with advance tickets.
I will be remitting my cheque in payment of the invoice.
The school is permitting the children to stay an hour later.
The fat was spattering from the pan onto the wall.

The engine was spluttering and making strange noises.
We enjoy motoring through the summer countryside.
She was muttering something about it being unfair.
She is always mothering her adult children.
Simpering means smiling in a silly affected way.
I shall be ordering lunch at about one o’clock.

The cat was pawing at the kitchen door.
Most of our customers are paying by credit card.
The people were praying for the victims of the storm.
The garage will be spraying my car tomorrow.
The factory is supplying us with the materials we
We shall be staying at The* Grand Hotel next week.
* Not using Tick The, as it is a name

We kept to the path without straying into the forest.
The boy was kneeling down tying his shoelaces.
I have been trying to contact you for some time.
The dog sat on the floor chewing its meal.
The friends were jawing together all afternoon.
I spent two hours hoeing the rows in the field.

We were beginning to feel pangs of hunger.
I heard an email ping on my smartphone.
The doctor needed to look at the patient’s tongue.
The springs in this chair are beginning to fail.
I found a ball of string to tie up the parcel.
My dog is very strong and pulls the lead.

James moved from Tring to the suburb of Tooting.
We are looking for jobs near to the town of Kettering.
My neighbour Mr Hutchings has lived here for many years.
We are now working in Harding’s bakery.
We read a book about the Boeing aircraft manufacturer.
I think that Mr Fielding is looking for a flat in Spalding.

The kids were very fast at tearing off the wrappings.
I put the lawn sweepings into the compost bin.
We have a choice of five different cake toppings.
They have bought all the trappings for the celebration.
I am learning useful word groupings in the language class.
The children all had second helpings of the jam sponge.

Remember to put the potato scrapings in the food waste bin.
Battings are cotton or fibre wads used in quilts.
We are planning several outings to the seaside this month.
We could hear the chicken scratchings behind the hen house.
The manufacturer has been testing several different castings.
Everyone was getting really annoyed at his boastings.

I took some photos of the ships at their moorings.
We had the first stirrings of hope that we would be rescued.
I have two important meetings to attend this morning.
All we heard was mutterings and complaints from him all day.
It took several cleansings to remove all the bird droppings.
They took samplings of the water in the stream.

I am sure the shorthand will become easier with practice.
They made us very welcome when we visited them.
Their income has risen slightly over the
past year.
The prospect of a new job made him very hopeful.
I can get whatever I need at the local store.
I like to call on my friends whenever I am in the area.

The weather is becoming colder and more rainy.
She was dressed very becomingly in a white silk gown.
The staff became frustrated at the
boss's shortcomings.
She thought the house was very warm and welcoming.
The hotel was welcomingly illuminated with Christmas lights.
We welcomed the news of her
overcoming these issues.

We had to run over the sand to escape the incoming tide.
They are quick to welcome any incomers to the village.
We had to ask the newcomer his name and purpose.
We read about those who were prospecting for gold long ago.
My prospective employer has asked me to complete this form.
A prospector is someone who looks for useful minerals.
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