We sat by the embers of the fire and talked.
I have an amber necklace in shades of yellow and brown.
To simper means to smile in a silly and childish way.
He was simpering at the lady like a young child.
There was a very sombre mood in the room that evening.
We bought a stamper to make stamping the designs easier.

We are holding a pamper evening at Mandy's home.
The apples on the tree are much plumper this year.
We had a bumper crop of tomatoes on our veg patch.
The kids were about to tamper with the shop locks.
She had a very short temper and was often upset.
The temperature of the sea rises at the end of summer.

We bought a load of timber at Joe's Timber Yard.
The weather is getting damper now that winter is coming.
We had a tour of the inner chambers of the old house.
I have bought some thick jumpers for the winter.
We shall visit our friends at the beginning of December.
Jim started his new job the first week of September.

was simpering and making silly jokes all day.
They are always pampering them with sweets and gifts.
We saw the gang tampering with the old timbering.
An ampere is a basic unit of electrical current.
The advertising banner impairs the umpire's view of the game.
We took the impure water and removed all the impurities.

We noticed all the campers waiting at the site gate.
The road has a camber to allow the rain to run off.
We purchased a load of logs at the lumber yard.
This rain will hamper the runners in the race.
I made the child a little blue romper suit.
The dog began to whimper and paw at the door.

His face showed great anger at their excuses.
The ship dropped anchor in the deep harbour.
The sailing vessels found anchorage behind the harbour wall.
Our dog Spot is a right stinker when he plays in the mud.
We wanted to stay at the disco longer and dance all night.
We saw the girls linger outside the fashion shop.

To malinger is to pretend to be ill to avoid work.
The book is a very high ranker in the official list.
Rancour is another word for malicious spite.
We always hanker after the cakes in the shop window.
The sheep in the fields suffered hunger during the storm.
We just had to hunker down and stay out of the wind.

He has worked as a banker in the city for many years.
A tanker is a big ship that holds crude oil.
We gathered conkers from under the tree in the park.
We had to conquer our fear of the conger eel.
They will be conquering the mountain on their next trip.
She wore rings on the fingers of both hands.

The man was fingering his valuable gold watch.
He is a deep thinker and spends much time pondering.
Those boys are singers in a music band.
A wringer is an apparatus for pressing water out of clothes.
He played as a winger in the football team.
He is a flinger of insults when he is annoyed.

There was a covering of powdery snow on the roads.
The notice says there is no entry to the building.
We lived in an old rectory next to the church.
The signatory of a document is the person who signed it.
The plant had soft feathery flowers and long leaves.
They tried flattery but it did not work on her at all.

His words were rancorous and full of malicious spite.
I painted a wintry scene of snow and ice on the hills.
The hotel is offering a free laundry service this year.
On the boundary fence was a large notice about the bull.
The staff will be taking an inventory of all the office supplies.
I shall be doing some embroidery on the winter evenings.

The state of the road is the main factor in our decision.
Wages and housing are both important factors in our plans.
The navigator on the ship plotted the course on the map.
I am going to have to monitor progress very carefully.
We have several nominators for this person to stand for office.
We called in the exterminator to remove the rats.

Our street featured recently in a well-known television series.
The blast of the lightning shattered all the windows.
The nurse said it mattered that the water was filtered.
The police altered their route and entered the building.
The teacher ordered the class to start writing their answers.
As she spoke I pictured the scene in my mind.

We sat by the river and pondered on the events of the day.
This firm has tendered for the job with a low price.
He countered all their arguments with his own information.
The sky thundered as the storm increased in strength.
The children ventured further into the forest.
The ship foundered on the hidden rocks just off the coast.

The flood water has rendered all the
machinery* useless.
The gang of thieves surrendered to the police officers.
We wondered whether you would be interested in this post.
The bad weather has hindered the ploughing of the fields.
We bought some powdered milk for our camping trip.
My friend has tutored the children in language and history.
* Optional contraction

The dog has been pampered too much since they bought it.
She is a sweet tempered person who likes to help everyone.
He was angered when he heard of the damage to the car.
I lingered at the office in case the customer rang back.
The animals hungered during the severe drought.
They have finally conquered their fear of heights.

An anther is the part of a flower that holds the pollen.
We saw a huge black panther running through the jungle.
I have an older brother whose name is Arthur.
The name Luther comes from a word meaning famous.
We had to inter the cat when it died last month.
An intern is a person who is training on the job.

He has an interest in the internal workings of clocks.
The style of the house was very austere and plain.
I work on alternate days, which is one day on and one off.
We have to alternate the hours that the machines are on.
There is no alternative but to make these changes.
The tailor has finished all the alterations to my suit.

We bought the standard type of phone for the kids.
We shall have to standardise our measurement of output.
The electorate in this
picturesque village are few.
He began to stutter when asked for his excuse.
He stuttered something about not remembering what to do.
She was a stutterer in her younger years.

She is a very slender person with red hair.
This dancer is the slenderest in the whole troupe.
I often motor through the countryside in summer.
The motorists were not pleased with the fuel price rises.
I met Jack Madder and George Mather at the pub.
They said Mary Wetherby is getting married to Jim Wetterby.

The pleasures of this world are temporal and soon fade.
We have six temporary staff with us at present.
Services have been temporarily stopped to allow maintenance.
The children are sleeping quietly in their beds.
The staff will have their break at about eleven.
The guests were taken from their coach to the hotel door.

We need some other way of getting this work done.
The family are having their big party on Sunday.
The buses are making their way to the depot.
They are certainly taking their time to finish the job.
We shall be seeking their approval for this change.
I think there is a very good chance our profits will increase.

I am sure there is no reason to doubt what they say.
When the guests arrive, I shall be there to greet them.
I have been there when the sun rises over the mountains.
They have done their work and are expecting payment.
I shall wait for their car to arrive at the office.
They will call a taxi, if their car fails to start again.

I shall stay here, for there is little I can do to help.
I shall certainly go to them, if there is anything I can do.
There is not another person or any other man available.
The people had two big dogs in their car.
I will stay late rather than finish it tomorrow morning.
They will be going out later on to do shopping.

He was working later than usual last night.
The children must not get home any later than seven.
I have to leave the house no later than six in the morning.
The road to the farm was longer than they had thought.
I cannot stay any longer than one hour to help you.
I think this project will take no longer than two days to finish.
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