After working all morning, we spent the afternoon resting.
My uncle was a fighter pilot many years ago.
He sent a card to his father for Father’s Day.
Yesterday the fitter came to service the boiler.
The sparrows flutter down to eat up all the seed.
They sent out leaflets to all the voters in the town.

The kids were excited about the chocolate Easter eggs.
She had one sister at home and a second sister at college.
If you drop this vase it will shatter into tiny pieces.
We find that this way of writing is much shorter and faster.
I have sent in an order for three pairs of shoes.
At the station I looked for a porter to fetch the bags.

She is working as a sorter in the main post office.
The train crossed the border at about
We are finding it harder to get these any cheaper.
The father told his son not to fritter his money away.
We are very pleased how the matter turned out.
The man became madder by the minute with the delays.

The kids began to mutter something about being ignored.
My mother is buying a birthday card for her mother.
I bought a new motor car at the Motor Show last week.
A meter is an apparatus that measures how much is used.
A metre is a length of about thirty-nine inches.
We are using this fabric for smothering the weeds.

This coffee is much smoother than the other brand.
To natter is to talk idly at length, to chat or chatter.
John’s writing is much neater than Jane’s writing.
Jim had a holiday job as a kneader in a bakery.
The young children could neither read nor write.
We learned that nitre is used to make

We have asked the vet to neuter the cat next week.
A nation that is neutral takes no sides during a war.
When you enter the building, go straight to the reception desk.
Our head office is located in the centre of the city.
The sender of this parcel forgot to put their name on it.
There is another person waiting for their interview.

The army officer had his fighters ready to take orders.
All the mothers and fathers were waiting outside the school.
They have been talking to the voters about the results.
I told them that I have three sisters and two brothers.
They will discuss all these important matters at the meeting.
We wish to thank all our supporters for their help.

The leaves began fluttering down as the wind started.
The force of the gales was shattering the windows.
We shall be ordering some wine with our meal.
I think that some of his
mutterings were
bordering on insults.
We enjoy motoring along the roads of the south coast.
The machine was metering
the amount of water used.

We had to find the hidden eggs and the finder received a prize.
Our fund has grown, thanks to our two chief funders.
I changed my mind about getting a minder for the house.
Two guests remained here and the remainder went outside.
I had just thinned the fence paint but then I heard thunder.
This engine is our shunter, we use it to shunt carriages.

I offered a big reward to the finder of my diamond ring.
The finder of the lost dog will receive a cash reward.
We have some child minders for when we go out.
We had thunder and lightning storms all day yesterday.
Every time it thunders, the dog runs under the table.
The shunters were going up and down the tracks all day.

I have received a letter from my mother about the house.
It is my job to open the letters every morning.
I have a brother and a sister, the latter being the youngest.
I prefer the lighter evenings that we have in summer.
We found that the firelighters had become wet in the storm.
The boys would loiter by the sweet shop after school.

The wind had blown all the litter into the doorway.
Our dog has had two litters this year.
I will have to alter all the wording on my monthly report.
They were accused of altering the names on the papers.
We had to climb the ladder to change the light bulb.
The leader of the group has asked to see the manager.

The home supporters at the football match shouted louder.
Jack is older than Jill, and she is older than Mary.
The elders of the church had a meeting with the minister.
Leather is a very strong fabric made of animal hide.
The bread turned out very hard and leathery.
Rubbing clothes in soapy* water makes a lather.
* The last vowel is essential, as
"soap water" could also make sense

He has finally found a lender, so he can buy the house.
He said it is very difficult to find lenders nowadays.
To slander is to speak maliciously or falsely about a person.
A cylinder is a long straight form with circular ends.
I have put the date of the meeting on my monthly calendar.
She poured the pan of peas into the colander to drain them.

The holder of the passport must send in the correct form.
All the householders received a notice about the repairs.
The islanders lived in small houses near the cliffs.
A Highlander lives in the Highlands of Scotland.
This person was the leaseholder of the property.
A halter is a headgear for a horse so it can be led.

A Psalter is a small book of the Psalms of the Bible.
They had to slaughter all the cows that had the disease.
I used a slitter to remove all the seam stitches.
We heard the snake slither through the grass.
They pushed the slider along until the door opened.
To solder is to join pieces of metal with a fusible alloy.

I have found a builder who can do this work for me.
They are much bolder now they know they are in the right.
The weather was much wilder than had been forecast.
We began to swelter in our thick clothes.
It was a sweltering and very humid day at the beach.
Tomorrow the weather will be much milder and wetter.

The river bed was full of large boulders after the flood.
I keep all my letters in a large folder on the shelf.
The police managed to catch the ringleader of the gang.
Please buy a stepladder long enough for the top windows.
Walking all that way is just a waste of
I rinsed the wash-leather and left it out to dry.

We have a mail order business in Central America.
We need to be centrally located and near to the station.
We can save costs if we centralise all these activities.
An eccentric character cannot hide his eccentricity.
The package was very heavy and cylindrical in shape.
The federal officer has asked for the names of the persons.

We have now been told the exact nature of the problem.
It is perfectly natural that they wish to send a greeting.
A signatory is the one who writes their signature.
We are going to feature this story in our next issue.
This film features a famous person as the main character.
They have started an exciting new business venture.

I shall not be venturing outside until after the snow storm.
The kids thought a tent in the woods was a big adventure.
The children watched a film about adventures in the jungle.
Betty and Lizzie are very adventurous in the way they dress.
They made a wire armature on which to build the model.
The market vendors have to pay a charge for their pitches.

He has given us further essential information on this issue.
Josh ran much farther than George in the race.
An evader is a person who escapes by cleverness.
An avoider is a person who keeps away from something.
The invaders rushed into the village and attacked the people.
It is up to the inviter to spell everyone’s names correctly.

Tom is an Englander who is visiting our nation.
Danny is a Netherlander who came to England as a student.
"Therefore" is another way to say "for that reason".
A scientist once said, I think therefore I am.
You are the householder, therefore you pay the bills.
He is an employee and he is therefore liable to pay tax.

My main interest is in model railways and engineering.
I find this subject very interesting to read about and learn.
My friend is interested in sports,
particularly football.
James is keen to get into the
entertainment business.
He would like to be an entertainer on the television.
He has entertained us many times at the kids’ parties.

I have now received your letter asking for the information.
Thank you for your letter enquiring about job vacancies.
We answered all the letters and posted them yesterday.
This letter is to inform you that your invoice is now overdue.
When I arrived at the venue, I found everything in order.
I have sent you a book, in order that you can study.

In class we have learned how to write proper
business letters.
Talking to a business man is different from your family.
I left the house at six in order to get to the station on time.
You will have to practise regularly in order to write that fast.
I have bought a bike in order to get to the office on time.
Please let me have further information on this scheme.
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