The postal rates have increased over the past months.
The cost of postage is the same as it was last year.
Our postman always delivers our post on time.
Post-free means you do not pay any postage on the item.
We had to postpone our holiday again this year.
The testimony of the witness was recorded in the book.

She worked as a domestic cleaner for several families.
The teacher had to correct the mistakes in the essays.
I thought I was on time but I was greatly mistaken.
And lastly, I wish to thank you all for coming to this talk.
They think that he is vastly overpaid for the job he is doing.
We were surprised at the vastness of the mountain ranges.

She said he was justly praised for all his hard work for us.
The man wore a waistcoat underneath his jacket.
The children were restless and asked to go out to play.
They painted the rooms in a tasteful shade of pale green.
To throw away all that food is so wasteful.
The dog was trustful of its master and followed him all day.

They are manifestly not the right people to do this job.
We are going to investigate everything that happened.
We will be making adjustments to correct the errors.
She followed the textbook and copied out all the examples.
I think he is being a little pessimistic about his career.
Martha is extremely optimistic about the promotion.

The teacher said there is no substitute for hard work.
The substitution of one of the team members is possible.
All the families in the remote villages were destitute.
That suburb of the city was well known for prostitutes.
We studied engineering at the institute for several years.
I have enjoyed my time as a student at this institution.

The cook was substituting dried egg for fresh.
We are instituting a new committee for schools.
I mistook him for his brother who looks very similar.
We made a costly error with our building
She had a ghastly fright when she opened the door.
The kids made ghostly sounds to frighten their friends.

We have bought some tickets for a show in the West End.
The houses in the West End of
London are very expensive.
Bristol is an English city
located on a river near the sea.
We went on holiday to Brazil in South America.
The Bastille was a castle near Paris used as a prison.
He said Basel is the German version of the town’s name.

They were anxious not to offend their guests.
She looked anxiously around the room full of people.
He wrote a separate list as an adjunct to his full report.
They sought sanctuary in the nearby church.
The speaker has a loud voice which is very distinct.
I distinctly said that no-one is allowed in the building.

Tom was delighted to have gained a distinction in his exam.
These are the huge leg bones of an extinct dinosaur.
The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid.
A precinct is the land immediately surrounding a building.
The tourists had a tour of the precincts of the cathedral.
A tincture is an infusion of herbs into water.

This old law is now defunct and has been replaced.
I want to know if this machine will function in hot weather.
At the camp site, the logs functioned as tables and chairs.
He is the functioning leader of the firm for the time being.
To sanction something is to give permission for it.
The supervisor has not sanctioned the
use of this product.

In the past I banked with the well-known City Bank.
They banked all the cash for us yesterday morning.
The cellar has been tanked to prevent it getting damp.
He dunked his cookie into the cup of hot coffee.
The children inked their fingers when they used the pens.
When he was in the army he ranked as an officer.

At the party everyone linked arms and danced.
The two girls winked at each other across the table.
This table is long but that one is the
That day at the office was the longest day of my life.
Tom is strong but Max is the strongest by far.
The form advised me to choose the strongest password.

He always wrote a post-script at the end of his essays.
Jerry is in charge of the administration of the office.
The lady started to demonstrate how to use the machine.
I paid full attention to the demonstration that she gave.
The doctor will prescribe him something for his illness.
Take the prescription to the chemist or

It is my job to transcribe my notes onto the
I handed in my transcription of everything that was said.
Please describe what you saw on leaving the building.
I gave them a description of what happened that morning.
I wrote descriptions of my travels in my yearly diary.
He gave a long discourse on the history of extinct dinosaurs.

They agreed that drastic action was needed immediately.
I think the elastic round the waist has become loose.
All the plates, cups and saucers were made of white plastic.
The mystic knew what he said would mystify the visitors.
This music is very suggestive of a stream in a meadow.
He has had digestive problems for five months now.

He spoke very honestly about his time at the firm.
She talked very nicely about her colleagues in the office.
Take this bag of correspondence down to the post office.
I will have to get some postage stamps for all these packages.
I think that this past year has been very good for buyers.
It is most important that everyone follows the safety rules.

We think the most important
point is to cut costs.
He was, most importantly, well on his way to recovering.
It is almost impossible to get a ticket for the next match.
He told us that it is
almost impossible to save any money.
They say it is almost certain that our team will win.
team will almost certainly reach the top league this year.

We think there must be a simple reason for this error.
They must not be late for the train which leaves at six.
That was the last time that I saw those people here.
They have done a first rate job on installing the windows.
We are very pleased indeed with it,
in fact we are delighted.
I am happy to say that
all the students passed the exam.

We think that is the best way of dealing with this.
I am sure buying that book will be worthwhile for you.
I trust that we can help your business, and vice
We are once again happy to announce this year’s profits.
The speaker said that there is only one way to succeed.
There is only one thing left to do before we print the report.

The children will be sharing the birthday cake between them.
She said that in the first place she would not work for them.
Paul took second place in the big race last Saturday.
I think that Peter took third place in his race.
You must be able to distinguish one word from the other.
Our guest speaker today is a very
distinguished teacher.

The fire crew tried to extinguish the fire in the building.
They finally extinguished it early the next morning.
You must relinquish the badge when you leave the job.
She relinquished her job as a cleaner at the factory.
I had difficulty distinguishing the different
colours of the files.
The crew began extinguishing the flames.

We require a character reference from your employer.
His comedy act was very amusing* and
Careless writing characterises a lazy
These teeth are characteristic of the meat-eating dinosaurs.
They ministered to the poor people in the city slums.
Their ministrations help the villagers to survive.
* Always
insert the vowel sign in "amaze" and "amuse" and their derivatives
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