She is a person who likes the house to be perfect.
A perm is a wave put in the hair that lasts a few months.
My aunt wore a pearl necklace at the wedding.
I perceive you are a person who persists with their studies.
I stayed two terms at the school learning writing.
The train route terminates at the town station in Green Street.

The bus terminus is busy on weekday mornings.
The illness was not terminal and he made a rapid
The kernel of a nut is the nutritious part inside.
Colonel Smith has now terminated his army career.
They have now installed all the girders for the building.
The girl may develop a liking for those sweet foods.

We were taught at school that a verb is a doing word.
They have issued a new version of the rule book.
The weather was thirty degrees and there was no shade.
We were all quite thirsty when the race was over.
I took lots of thermal clothing with me for the trek.
She had some therapy in the pool to help her to recover.

Debonair can refer to a man who is elegant and gracious.
He wrote a book about being a legionnaire in the desert.
He was a chef extraordinaire working in the top hotels.
He is an extraordinary person who is always telling
The hall was lit by a large luminaire hanging from the ceiling.
The sun and the moon are both luminaries in our skies.

Please take the parcel and post it to the customer.
My business partner and I have started a new undertaking.
The farm had three fields of barley ready to be cut.
Our next target is to increase sales by a third next year.
The street was quite dark so we decided to take the bus.
He is full of charm, his wife charming and his kids charmless.

I have invited Charles over for dinner next Saturday.
The kids made a cart out of all the old wooden planks.
I have a garden and I spend a lot of my time gardening.
Please be careful with the knives as they are sharp.
We saw a huge shark on our boat ride round the bay.
We all bought souvenirs from the little market stalls.

James is aiming to get a job as an engineer with the council.
This hotel has a nice atmosphere that we all enjoy.
The road I live on is parallel to the main street of the town.
I am going to write a paragraph or two for the newspaper.
The children are out playing in the garden just now.
We are going to narrate the story for our film.

We used to say telephone, but now we just say phone.
The telegraph was a method of sending messages over land.
I have a large telescope for viewing the stars and planets.
A telecast is a programme broadcast on the television.
At the meeting all the delegates sat round a long table.
They sell some delicate cakes at the delicatessen.

This was a deliberate effort to avoid paying the charge.
The old house became derelict and had to be demolished*.
In its place they have built a delightful new house.
I take great delight in giving all the children their presents.
A televised event is one seen on everyone's
television set.
I bought an expensive telephoto lens for
bird watching.
* "demolish" has downward Ish

I wish to place on record my views on this accounts report.
I have written to George to offer him the job in accounts.
We are expecting Georgina to pass all her school exams.
He said it was the moral thing to do to tell them the facts.
The North Street office deals with college correspondence.
He follows politics and corresponds with many

I wish to purchase a new car for going to the office.
She wore a purple dress and a blue hat to the wedding.
The children were quite bold in asking for their money.
These people have caused a lot of turmoil in the city.
The members of the church are practising their singing.
I know what occurs in a court of law in the course of a day.

Marcus gave a discourse at the college on accounting.
Our cat always curls up in front of the fire.
I put up some new curtains at the living room windows.
He showed great courage when he dived into the sea.
She encourages the children to correct their own spellings.
I have been collecting antique books for many years.

I made corrections to the list of coins in my collection.
We had recurring issues with the machines last year.
He will fulfil his duty of collecting the parcels
He took a mouthful of the coffee and a bite of bread.
I put a cupful of milk into the rice pudding mixture.
They planted the new tree with a shovelful of soil.

I wrote to them direct to ask about the delivery
He will be returning directly to speak to you.
This map gives directions to the council offices.
We found all the literature books we need in the library.
I will capture all the scenery on my phone camera.
They will be capturing the escaped animal with a net.

This soup is a mixture of tomatoes, herbs and spices.
There was too much moisture in the cellar to store things.
We have a list of the fixtures and fittings needed.
I attended a lecture on how to start up a business.
The texture of this bread is quite dry and hard.
Our engineer has had to calculate all the figures again.

Please check all the calculations in this table.
We have now been given a list of the new regulations.
The water circulates through the whole system.
Tomorrow I have to attend three lectures in a row.
My camera captures everything that I need to know.
I have a list of scriptures that I will read out in church.

The firm pays my wages into my personal bank account.
He took it personally when I corrected his report.
We have issued a safety notice for all personnel to
I like to support my local team when they play here.
I have a separate filing cabinet for those new customers.
She said she will need to separate the sheep from
the goats.

These posters are going to permit us to promote our activities.
We have permission to go ahead with this sales
In regard to the meeting, I regret that it has been delayed.
I propose that we buy the right machine for the purpose.
The word propriety means something is suitable, right or just.
We have bought a property in the north of the city.

I am a permanent member of staff in a prominent business.
Mr George is a pre-eminent teacher of this unusual subject.
The word forego means to go before or precede.
The story of his unusual life is likely to forego him.
I will have to forgo, or give up, eating cakes all this week.
I hope you will forgive me for forgetting your birthday.

I would firstly like to thank you for coming to the meeting.
The music in the room was very loud indeed.
I have seen their dog playing in their yard.
There are a lot of new kids in the third class.
The staff are doing their work all day long.
Their pay is related to their time on the job.

I have not seen any sales there for a whole year.
They are all playing in the yard with the football.
I know they are doing a very good job on our house.
There is a report in the newspaper on the team’s success.
There is not much work to do at the office today.
We know that there is not much time left to do the task.

The weather map says there is no chance of rain today.
Thirdly, I wish to say that I have enjoyed meeting you all.
I am very much relieved that you are feeling so much better.
They have too much work to do in the time available.
Ask the shop assistant how much this coat costs.
We have been saving money here and there for the holiday.
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