I would offer to do the job if they offered to pay me.
The people in the shop may suffer loss of overtime pay.
Let me know if they ever decide to start afresh with this job.
The author of this book has written a fairly average story.
She wishes to accept the other job offer immediately.
They can either take the goods or get a refund.

I shall be free to see you at nine next Monday morning.
The chef is going to fry the chips for the meal.
We generally eat lots of fruit when it is in season.
I have found a gold frame for the photo of the wedding.
You may take freely of the buffet on the front table.
Frederick says that the food in this café is always fresh.

I am going to work through these papers until three today.
The kids began to throw the things out of the toy box.
The king has been thrown off his throne by the rebels.
We received many threats from the gang on the streets.
I have been trying to thread the cotton into the needle.
It gave us quite a thrill to see you all yesterday.

The kids were afraid of the man in the frayed coat.
I think the big dog is going to frighten everyone.
Fred prefers to eat fried fish and chips at the weekend.
My auntie Freda visits us every Friday night.
I will be visiting my friends again this Friday.
I put all the food in the fridge to keep it cool.

This is a tougher job than I thought it would be.
He put his name as Trevor on the application form.
We are travelling to Dover to catch the ferry.
The diver found many unusual items on the seabed.
Our driver is taking us to the airport next Wednesday.
I have seen an advert in the paper for a new job.

I saw a photo of a puffer fish in the sea.
The buffers at the railway station are the end of the line.
You were braver than me when you saw that fierce dog.
A chafer is a type of flying beetle.
I have made some covers for the chairs and sofa.
The patients soon recover and get up and about again.

The kids wanted to discover exciting things in the woods.
A gaffer is a slang word for a yard foreman.
All the givers to the charity are to be sent a note of thanks.
Loafers are a type of soft shoe for home wear.
All the sixth form leavers are going to have a party.
I found a silver necklace at the antique shop last week.

The big earth mover made a large hole in the field.
The surface of the path was rougher than the smooth road.
We have a river running through the fields on our farm.
I could not make a decision and began to waver about it.
We filled out a waiver form so we could get a refund.
It was a lot of bother to write the reports all over again.

The bathers began to hover round the drinks stall.
I stopped for a breather at the two mile mark.
I have a brother who works in a large clothing store.
They will be able to gather the crops during this month.
The leather on this bag has lasted for many years.
The weather is going to be hot and sunny all week.

The weather forecast said it would be cold and foggy.
I have had some bother with my new leather shoes.
Heather likes to grow heather plants in pots.
You are a tither if you dedicate a tenth of your income.
The horse was attached to the fence with a long tether.
You must write and not dither when the passage is read out.

I watched the birds fly over the fields and towns.
The river flows into the sea at the wide bay.
The flap on the bag was fastened with a button.
The horse began to flick his tail back and forth.
It took hours to get the fluff out of the washing machine.
The sheep on the farm were fat and fluffy.

All this writing is piffle, that is to say, it is utter nonsense.
I was baffled by the writing method until I read the book.
This glass mirror has a wide bevel on all its edges.
The items in the box were trifles, of no great value.
I have to say that I think he was talking absolute drivel.
These thick drapes are to muffle the sound of the traffic.

I won a small prize in the raffle at the fair.
At the café we had honey waffles with our tea.
The servant began to grovel when the king spoke to him.
I am going to write a novel all about ancient history.
The poor lived in terrible hovels
with gravel floors.
It seems our business rival has lowered his prices.

I can smell the fish and chip shop frying our dinner.
The child in the clinic was fretting for its parents.
I have a covering for the car to keep it dry and clean.
I am discovering all sorts of nice shops in this town.
She spent several weeks recovering and getting better.
The bird was hovering over the field looking for mice.

It was quite baffling how he managed to do all that work.
They will be raffling a basket of fruit at the village fair.
We shall be building a tower rivalling the one in that city.
If you are waffling, you are speaking so you can waste time.
Our boss does not put up with any grovelling in his office.
The kids were snivelling and crying because of the frights.

I refer to your application that you sent in last
This paper is rougher than I need for my writing.
He put his name and address on the reverse of the form.
We have two rivers that run through our town.
I prefer to work in the morning to get it all done.
The kids proffered a note of thanks to the lady.

The staff must defer to head office in relation to this
These cars only differ in the colour of the seats.
I must refill my water bottle ready for the trip.
The army officer issued the soldiers with rifles.
My report is certainly going to reveal all these problems.
The kids revel in having two months' summer holiday.

I am from Canada and that family are from America.
I come from a small town on the south coast.
Here is the cash and I have taken from it the cost of the food.
Open the box and take from it some of the items.
This is a present from us to you for your birthday.
I heard recently from his family about his new job.
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