The council are going to pave the track to the cave.
We saw a puff of smoke above the roof.
He said that the beef in his meal was far too tough.
The wife said she thought the man was deaf.
They tried to get in the cave and dive into the water.
He had a cough which gave his voice a rough sound.

Helping people achieve exam passes is my chief goal.
The youngsters began to dance and jive at the club rave.
I have to wear a special glove to open the hive.
The bees in the beehive are quite active this time of year.
I have written a brief report chiefly about sales for the year.
I decided to halve the chocolates and gave half to each

She says she has proof that the lads failed to behave.
I could not prove that what they said was a bluff.
The loss of the pet dog caused them a good deal of grief.
I think they may grieve over it for quite some time.
I have to drive to the store as the kids crave sweets.
We drove up the road and walked to the
cliff edge.

They have been quite active with positive health results.
The end of the year is the festive season for many people.
His chief motive for doing this was to halve his workload.
She was feeling restive and so drove to the seaside.
The teacher helps them get positive results in the tests.
We now have five new trucks for our staff to drive.

The thief took half the goods and drove away.
He had to shove the tough pieces of beef to the side.
We are going to move to a place near a chalk cliff.
I think we have enough food for the festive party.
I have lived all my life above that little shop.
I am positive that they will arrive in time for the meeting.

It has been proven that this scheme has increased profits.
His wife had to provide her private details on the form.
If they provoke me, I will prevent access to the property.
I prefer to walk since my discovery of a nicer route.
They showed a lot of bravery during the lengthy recovery.
They need to toughen up to do all these activities.

The village people had no defence when the typhoon hit.
You must defend your ears or you may be deafened in time.
We were delayed by the heavy traffic on the city roads.
We could see a lot of activity on the building site.
They will have to define what they mean by these words.
We now have a definite price to undertake this work.

We are definitely going to the store for the sales tomorrow.
The army is going to advance on the city immediately.
The city buses were driving into the big traffic jam.
We definitely had to get out of the cold driving rain.
We like to go diving and prefer the sea to be calm.
He divides his time between graphic design and sea diving.

They saw a huge cavity underneath the floor of the house.
The judge spoke on the gravity of this crime.
The roughness of the road made driving quite tough.
The accused had to refute all the claims they made.
He is going to serve in the army for five years.
The server at the pub said she would reserve our seats.

We saw the surfers dive into the surf as it came in.
I shall preserve all the apples for the festive season.
They dropped the life preserver into the sea to save him.
The kids said they will starve if they have to wait too long.
The truck began to swerve as the man drove too fast.
We saw the truck swerving off the road and onto the path.

I like to observe the clouds to see if it is going to rain.
I was an observer at the road side when this took place.
The kids at the school deserve to be given high marks.
I have a lot of broken paving at the back of my house.
They said they will be braving the storms to get to school.
I knew he was bluffing when he said what he would do.

His new job is going to be driving a delivery truck.
The teacher said that achieving good results is hard work.
He started coughing and waving his hands about.
I am halving the time I am in the office each week.
They were photographing the fields and houses.
The farm animals were starving because of the

I saw him briefly at the office last month.
I am positively delighted to have passed the driving test.
Tom is actively looking for a new job in the city.
The table was festively laid with piles of food.
They were acting supportively towards the new staff.
This job is chiefly
writing short reports on

Using the face puff could not disguise her puffy face.
This beef stew does not taste in the least beefy.
The dog was deaf and so it seemed to defy its master.
My cousin David’s last name is Davis.
He began to cough as he drank his strong coffee.
It was a grave error to spill gravy on the customer.

The photograph was taken by Mark, who does
The club show received rave reviews in the papers.
He will have to prove that he wrote the preview himself.
The type of people we serve are listed in the survey.
The bag was half full but still too heavy to lift.
The child drew a large wave on the page with a blue wavy line.

I am writing to you on behalf of the law firm.
It is to your advantage to study for that career.
The school work was too difficult for kids of that age.
A subjective essay is one written by feeling more than facts.
We saw a strange object flying past the window.
I object to having more work put on my desk.

The staff always object when asked to do extra hours.
They have objected to doing more work for the same pay.
The people were objecting to all the new tax rises.
Her main objective in doing this was to make money.
An objective view takes in all the facts of the case.
Mr Brown is going to represent him on the case.

We knew the shape represented a word and not a number.
His lawyer has been representing him at the hearings.
My representative is going to call on you tomorrow.
We have had some difficulty in proving these facts to them.
The whole class was having difficulties with the sums.
We must look at what took place here more objectively.

I thought the book was written a little too subjectively.
It is most advantageous for us to take up that offer.
Our time at school worked out most advantageously for us.
I think it may be a disadvantage for you to leave the school.
I presented the notice to them and I will re-present it soon.
They wrote a report on the disadvantaged groups in the city.

We had to take all the things out of
our house immediately.
Please take all the papers out of the
storage box.
I am now a member of the golf club in
this town.
He was a member of the shop staff here
last year.
We have a number
of staff who can do this task for you.
A number of the
customers are asking to see the manager.

Can you give me a copy of his report by tomorrow?
I would like a copy of the
minutes of the meeting last week.
They said it was a lack of staff that caused the delay.
Buying a
pack of the tools
allowed him to finish the job.
I wrote my name on the back of the exercise book.
The child rode on the back of the
donkey at the beach.

I saw some birds sitting on the top of my house.
The chef put some icing on top
of the cake.
He said it was a type of cat that lives in the jungle.
The dogs began to back off towards the road.
The thieves are likely to carry off all the cash.
The customers began to carry off the
sales goods to the tills.

The plane is going to take off at exactly
five o'clock.
Please take off the heading of this office report.
I made a note of all the jobs which have to be done.
Here is a list of all the packages which have been
I was talking with the staff who have met this customer.
She was talking with the people
who have been

I wish to meet those who have
written to the firm.
It would seem you have a lot more work to do on that.
I know you have the skills to do the job properly.
I see you have been to the coast for your annual holiday.
Do you have a copy of the
minutes of the meeting?
I think you have not left enough time to finish it

I think Paul ought to have come home by now.
The officer said they ought to have
stopped the car.
We think we ought
to have been told about the report.
I saw a number of
customers looking for those items.
I have written a brief essay on my time
at the school.
I shall be writing a number of brief
reports on these issues.
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