I am going to see a new play up in the city.
Please check if the kids are playing out in the back yard.
The village is a good place to buy a house.
If you
apply for that post, they will reply straight away.
The kids always plop themselves on the big sofa.
The plot of the play is about two families in the city.

They had to plough many of the fields that day.
They ploughed six acres with the heavy horses.
The robber had to plead guilty to that crime.
You can now pluck the berries off the bush.
You will have to buy a new plug for the bathroom.
He has given us his pledge to help us with the task.

The plums are now ripe and ready to eat.
The storm started to blow in, coming out of the south.
The sky was blue and the sun was hot.
It was sheer bliss to cool off in the sea at the beach.
All this rubbish is a blot on our nice green fields.
I think I shall write a blog about my new hobby.

The severe storms can be a problem
in November.
She was wearing a lot of bling and high value rings.
The teacher stood at the back of the class to watch the kids.
When we sing the songs we clap hands together.
Our club members like to
include families on these outings.
The big black clouds started to fill the sky.

I am
including a photo of Joe clutching his teddy bear.
I am so glad you were not delayed by the glitch in the work.
The soil in my veg patch is clay which gets quite dry.
When we arrived at the shop, it was closed for lunch.
She claims that the road was quite clear at the time.
We saw the
glow and gleams of light in the clouds.

To pick the apples we have to buy a long ladder.
The big pile of plates started to topple.
We have ample food in store for the animals.
He has sent us a sample of the goods by post.
Here are a few examples of how to write these words.
Please post me the package when you are able.

The kids asked him to blow some soap bubbles.
This truck enables us to take goods to our customers.
I had a lot of trouble getting this marble top installed.
We have a double length table for the meal.
We used all the rubble to make a new path at the back.
It was quite a battle to get the cat out of the tree.

Please put the sample bottles on the table.
The boy had to feed all the cattle in the field.
A cudgel is a piece of wood used in battle to hit hard.
I think Uncle Jim is now ready to tackle the task.
The brook in the woods made a tinkling sound.
The worms wriggle out of the holes in the grass.

She would haggle with them to get a low price.
She always giggles when he makes his usual jokes.
The angle is too small to fit the table into it.
We never saw a single customer in the shop all day.
We saw many jungle animals on the safari.
I asked the family to mingle with the guests in the hall.

He was a rebel who never did what his elders said.
The teacher asked her to do it
but she rebelled and said no.
The kids are rebelling when the teacher asks them to sit.
The judge read out the charge of libel to the jury.
These words could be seen by the firm as a case of libel.
The judge may take a dim view of those libellous words.

The legs of the table started to splay and so it broke.
We like to display our goods in the big window.
I have a supply of books to give to the kids in class.
Our trucks are bringing daily supplies to the factory.
I watched the old sailor splice the two ropes.
They made a big splash as they plunged into the pool.

I had to wash a big splat off my car window.
They will have to split the group into two parts.
Splitting up the job is the best thing for them to do.
We heard the officer exclaim, Put your hands up!
Exclaiming is
a way to say shouting suddenly and loudly.
Oh what a
mess, she exclaimed when she saw the room.

If he carries on in that way you will have to exclude him.
We have an exclusive sale on for special customers only.
We are
holding a party exclusively for the kids.
I can only disclose the details to those in her family.
Disclosing all the names is the wrong thing to do.
It was
disclosed to us what was going on at the time.

The shoes became supple as she wore them all day.
It is quite possible that the
supplies are at the office.
I think it would be possible to talk to them at some time.
I may possibly be coming to the meeting tomorrow.
We would like to settle in that part of the city.
We are now settled in our new house in the suburbs.

The hotel bathroom was a subtle shade of blue.
He put a saddle on the horse and his satchel on his back.
The farm hands used a sickle to get in the harvest.
I always cycle to work as it is much faster.
He says that
cycling to the office saves money.
I cycled six miles every day for a year.

We always take our bicycles instead of the bus.
The notice says we should take care to avoid cyclists.
We have
several staff off sick today.
My tomato
seedlings are a sickly shade of yellow.
sickliness of the kids was alarming to see.
We in no way
wish to have our names on the sick list.

The message was explicit, the
bomb may explode at any time.
They were exploring the
results of different types of explosive.
He gets up to many exploits
when he is in the woods.
We do hope that you can expedite
getting the package to us.
When they took out the tree, all the roots were
We would like you to accept our
thanks for doing this.

The house was not visible in the thick misty fog.
The black cat was invisible when it was night time.
It is advisable to pay cash for all these items.
The money for the kids must be divisible by four.
The word fusible is a way to say it can be melted or fused.
You must recycle all the items you possibly can each day.

We are putting on a musical play in the
local hall.
When something is risible, it is the same thing as laughable.
A crucible is a vessel in which rocks can be melted.
It is not admissible to take files and papers out of the office.
A submersible is a vessel that can go under the sea.
If you unsettle the kids, they will stay unsettled all day.

You need to staple all these pages together at the top.
Use this stapler as it is the right size for the thick paper.
I have now stapled all the sheets for the meeting notes.
The artist stippled the page, making dots into shadows.
The horses are kept in a stable next to the farm.
When the hay is cut, that leaves just the stubble in the field.

We fished two stickleback fish in the little pool.
He is a stickler for getting all his sums right all the time.
To swaddle is to wrap a baby up fairly tightly.
It was to no avail that he asked for cash to be available.
They said to him that the value of the property had risen.
All our staff are valuable assets to this business.

In the race he fell and hurt his knees and his nose.
She slipped on the ice and broke her ankles and knuckles.
I placed my foot on the last rung of the ladder.
As soon as I did, my feet slipped off and I fell.
The dentist looked at my back teeth with a little mirror.
He said the tooth must have some work immediately.

Johnny was awarded a medal which he wore to the parade.
I have a little metal ring which I wear to parties.
He was first in the race and is now a medallist at last.
The stormy sea was a metallic blue colour.
This road is metalled, which is to say it has a hard surface.
He tested his mettle in breaking the metal bar.

She would always meddle in the affairs of her sons.
He meddled in things that he had no right to pry into.
A meddler makes a habit of always being meddlesome.
All this meddling in our business is quite annoying.
The notes are in a muddle and the books are muddled too.
All his muddling is not helping us in our work.

All the people in this office know how to do that job.
We believe that many people wish to know the answer to that.
At the time I believed that she would come back here.
It is her belief that eating those foods would be healthy.
He is going to build a house for his family quite soon.
We live in a tall building on the edge of the city.

You must tell all those people that we are coming tomorrow.
They decided to wait till the family arrived at the place.
Wait until I arrive at the office which will be at two.
The small shop has an old till in which to keep the cash.
When you till the soil, you break it up so things can grow.
They tilled the fields so that they could grow a

I told my teacher that I had no books with me.
The store are going to deliver all my goods on Monday.
The truck delivered the boxes to the factory yesterday.
We have made several deliveries of this item already.
Jenny is the oldest child that we have in this class.
The child’s first name is Beth and her last name is Smith.

Our business is largely making tools for sale in our stores.
I decided to call on Miss Black to talk about the business.
Miss Black called me to say that she would not be available.
It looks like the two metal bars are of equal weight.
Josh and James are equally skilled at building boats.
The cash in the tills equalled what was on the receipts.

It was a cold day and the snow was falling heavily.
At the meeting we had cold snacks spread along the table.
Cold notes are those that you wrote some time ago.
The child is going to start school in November.
Mark is going to write a book all about his school days.
Maggie was schooled at a famous place in that city.

She was believing that the child would pass all the exams.
The staff are telling me that they will come in early.
He has a new job delivering food boxes to the customers.
We now have a new deliverer for our goods.
The electrical items are not deliverable as early as that.
The delivery guy
may be calling in to the depot next Monday.

I will be telling them what they should do during the week.
The factory output is not equalling what the buyers need.
We received our basic schooling at an early age.
This was a childish thing to say to them at that time.
She most childishly started calling them names.
We are not pleased to hear of her childishness.

Pamela had a childlike trust of the kids in the park.
She said I must never
to study for my exam.
We think the bosses have
neglected the wishes of the staff.
He is talking all day and
to do his job.
I think he was a little neglectful in his duties.
They most neglectfully left the dog out in the sun.

The child is not at all happy to have to go to school today.
The speaker’s words were heard by all those in the room.
I believe you are the right member of staff for this new post.
I was able to write all my notes of the meeting fairly fast.
I practise as much as possible, so that I can write faster.
They do as much as possible to keep the customers happy.

He rose as early as possible on the day of the holiday.
You must get to the office as early as possible next Monday.
We walked as far as possible along the narrow roads.
We are going as far as possible with our school studies.
You must write your report as soon as possible.
Call me as soon as possible with the news of the results.
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