The family would
always pray for his safety on the roads.
Jack said he
would like to be a golf pro for his career.
We saw the big
cat catching and eating its prey.
The price of that
property is pretty high.
I hear they have
sent a new probe to Mars last month.
The house has a
long approach up a steep hill.

The prime reason
for the sale is to move the goods.
We lived in a
small house prior to moving to this city.
As we came to the
brow of the hill, we saw the sea.
It was a bright
sunny day and we brought our food with us.
The work is easy
if you break it into smaller jobs.
My hotel room has
a broad view of the fields and hills.

I think you need
to bring some bread when you come.
The kids are
going to try and trap the mouse.
They put some
cheese on a tray to trap it.
The stories in
the book that he wrote are all quite true.
We must tread
softly so as not to wake up the guests.
I will have to
take my truck to the repair shop.

The snail left a
shiny trail on the stone path.
Matthew decided to
trim the hedge, as it was sunny and dry.
I dried all my
washing out in the back yard.
I like to draw
lots of animals in my sketch book.
I will dress the
living room windows with new drapes.
It is quite a
drudge to deal with all the weeds in the yard.

The bear
dragged its prey to its lair in the forest.
My dream is to
write fast, so I have to drill the words daily.
The kids started
to cry because they wanted a drink.
The baby cried
until its mum got some juice to drink.
We are delighted
that all this has accrued on our savings.
The kids chased a
crab into a rock pool on the shore.

The bank is going
to credit us with the money immediately.
I heard a crunch
as Bill parked the car across the road.
The police officer was taking notes about the crime.
Jenny asked the
kids, how many grams does a grape weigh?
I will be
grabbing lunch and a cool drink at the pub.
They agree to help us
cut the bread and grill the cheese.

I saw a big crow
eating worms in the grass.
The kids are
always talking about the latest craze.
We are having a
cream tea in the hall at four today.
The day was grey
and too wet to go across the fields.
The outlook is
looking grim for the growth of this business.
His greed for
things is not going to make him happy.

We live in the
upper part of the old house.
The water is much deeper on the far side of the bay.
You will notice
that the riper pears are much cheaper.
The teacher handed some paper and a rubber to each
robber does not
wish to labour for his own things.
We heard the lady
utter a sigh because of the high prices.

The lads in the
market have a fast patter for the customers.
The cake would be
much better if you mixed the butter in first.
My daughter knows
how to chatter for hours on end.
Write these notes
on the jotter so you have them handy.
The vet checked the cow’s udder to ensure it
was healthy.
I am a big reader
of books which I get at the library.

Type in the
header and put the words underneath.
We had many
bidders when we sold our house.
They had donkeys
to help them carry the heavy pitchers.
We saw a big
badger digging holes in the woods.
A fare dodger
always avoids paying the fare on the bus.
We have rented
out our top rooms to a new lodger.

The leader of the party is giving a speech tomorrow.
It is a farm
of some thousand acres of good grazing fields.
Joe worked as a
packer of boxes at the store.
Our guest speaker
is going to talk on his career as a baker.
We only had four
takers for doing that work.
I have to say
that the maker of this boat is a hard worker.

The hole in the
field got bigger as they used the new digger.
He worked for
many years as a logger in Canada.
Chris worked for a
long time as a rigger on a sailing ship.
The rigour with
which they checked the text was amazing*.
As I walked in
the fog, the figure of a jogger appeared.
His good diet and
vigour kept him healthy all his days.
* Always
insert the vowel sign in "amaze" and "amuse" and their derivatives

They had to spray
all the crops in the field last month.
It was to stop
the spread of the pests that eat the crops.
The crops are
sown quite early in the spring each year.
At the picnic,
the kids were sprawling across the straw.
He said he saw a
stray cat with stripy fur coat.
I walked straight
along the street, taking big strides.

I had to stretch
my legs for an hour at lunch time.
The workers at
the factory had voted to go on strike.
We strode along
the path until we came to the stream.
I need a long
piece of strong string to tie up the box.
Lifting the boxes
was a good way to test his strength.
He was a strange
kid who liked to sit on his own.

Our teacher is so strict and is always giving us tests.
He took a screw
and screwed the lid onto the box.
The cook had to
scrape the mix out of the bowl.
Martha is going
to write the script for this film.
You must scrub
the food items to get them ready to eat.
When our cat
scratches, the kids all scream.

Tom had a scruffy
pet dog whose name was Topper.
The time for
eating supper is fairly late at night.
I have a super
new job in a big store in the city.
My job is to supervise the workers the whole day.
We had a
cyber attack on the data at our head office.
My Dad has a red setter dog named Kipper.

I work as a baby
sitter for most months of the year.
The artist works
hard to draw a likeness of his sitters.
I had to put some citrus juice into the sponge
We became sadder
as we talked under the spreading cedar.
The dog became
sicker each day so we brought in the vet.
The beach was
full of sun seekers lying in the heat.

He will certainly
prosper if he goes into business with James.
I enjoy having pastries at the bistro in the village.
They had to
destroy the houses as they were
The firm is going
to put up new houses in that district.
The minister is certainly going to restrict what they
can do.
We have
extra work to do on an extremely tight schedule.

The staff express what they think about
the new rotas.
The family has
expressed a desire to visit us in the city.
I read an extract
out of my book on the city of Exeter.
He laboured many
years at a low paid job in the oil industry.
It is a big
mystery how he managed to keep that job.
She is taking the
subject of chemistry for her next exam.

He has a regular
but low paid
job as a street sweeper.
I am going to
make a nice sweater to keep me warm.
The cream filling
needs to be just a little sweeter.
He would always
swagger into the bank with his wads of cash.
I have lost the
rubber stopper for this jar.
The hill seemed
to be steeper as they grew tired.

His annoyance
with them made him stutter his words.
I could not make
out the words that he stuttered.
She was a
stutterer as a kid but now she is much better.
I have a job as a
stitcher in the shoe factory.
Joe has started a new job as a stacker in the supermarket.
The kids enjoyed
putting the animal stickers into the album.

They started to
stagger as the boat rolled in the sea.
The lads
staggered out of the pub, as they were drunk.
Can you describe
to me what you saw last night?
She described to
the officer what she saw at the scene.
I heard the kids
describing the animals on the farm.
This bad news is
going to discredit this firm.

The two workers
disagreed on what they should do next.
The word spelled
discreet is talking in a decent way.
She knows how to
be discreet about what they said to her.
The word spelled
discrete is when the pieces are apart.
We have to cut
this rock into several discrete pieces.
The teachers
taught them to discriminate right and wrong.

The hospital had to prescribe this to make her better.
To proscribe is
to deem an item as outside of the law.
Doing this was severely proscribed by the judge.
I think I will
subscribe to some fishing magazines.
They have now
subscribed to receiving the news by email.
Our website now
has a thousand new subscribers.

The sacred book
is kept in the upper room.
I have a secret
book that I use as a special daily diary.
They asked him to
describe the things that he saw that day.
They asked her to
transcribe all the notes that she took.
I have asked
Roger not to get into a rage today.
I have asked
Richard if he thinks he will get rich soon.

The principal of
the academy wrote to the mums and dads.
My principal
reason for coming is to speak about my work.
The teacher
described the principles on which the car works.
I have to say
that I am not at liberty to discuss that subject.
We have a new
member in the bowling group this week.
I hope I will
remember her name when we meet today.

I hope you have
remembered to buy all the things on the list.
I saw a number of
cars speeding along the busy road.
I have numbered
all the pages of the notes of the meeting.
I must go and see
my doctor so he can look at my eyes.
I think Dr Smith
may be on duty first thing tomorrow.
Yesterday we
bought a dear little puppy for the kids.

When you write to
the customer, start it with “Dear Sir”.
She asked the
kids to write what they did during the day.
The judge said to
him, You must always speak the truth.
I think you will have to use an envelope quite a bit
I am going to buy
some new chairs for the office.
The new boss
chaired all the meetings for that month.

The lads at the
match all started to cheer the team.
They cheered the
home team but they jeered the away team.
I hope they will
take care when they take the new car out.
The kids cared
for the pet dogs, cats, hamsters and horses.
We all agree so
we are all in accord on this subject.
According to Jack,
it is going to be a good week for business.

It will be a surprise if that particular horse comes in first.
The kids love having surprises at the birthday party.
I am taking this
opportunity to talk about our business.
He has a strong
spirit and has tried all the different jobs.
I have worked in
this trade for a good many years.
We are working
towards having fewer staff in the office.

I am doctoring
the text of the notes to make it sound better.
The kids loved
the dog dearly as they had it for many years.
The customers
always notice when the items are dearer.
These coats are
the dearest in the whole shop.
The kids are good
at remembering when it is time for sweets.
I am numbering
all the pages so that no notes get lost.

Dr Smith is going
to be chairing the meeting for us tonight.
They were all
cheering the team as they scored the first goal.
She is a caring lady who loves to help the kids.
The staff were
quite careless in making up the reports.
You will have to
be careful when you write up the data.
I asked Jimmy to
go carefully on his new bike.

You asked for
the paper and I accordingly posted it to you.
It is not
surprising that the lady was surprised at our visit.
We wish
particularly to know the spiritual side of the book.
The garage was
trading under that name all last year.
The trader who
came to help was good at his job.
I have now traded in my old car for a truck.

You must do practice each day if you wish to write faster.
I am going to
practise my music in the back room.
I have practised
all the passages that the teacher asked me to.
It is highly
probable that I will pass my test with ease.
They are probably
going to ask us to pay for it now.
The probability
is that they will be coming back fairly soon.

The kids in the
bay were in danger of the tide cutting them off.
I was speaking to
a stranger who I met in the hotel lobby.
The passengers on
the ship were given the keys to the rooms.
The messenger
brought a sealed envelope for the boss.
They will be
practising for the race being held next week.
It is most
dangerous for the staff to copy those practices.

are getting
a pay rise,
according to the email he sent.
I took too
long to do the job, according to my supervisor.
This firm is, as
a rule, happy to give them the money back.
We have not, as a
rule, had any extra sales during the season.
We worked hard
and as a result we got our certificates.
As a result of
the sales, our business had made extra money.

We saw the family
for the first time last July.
I visited Canada
with my family for the first time last year.
I would like
first and foremost to thank you for inviting me.
I will be speaking
on the subject of banking methods today.
As I fed the tomatoes, they just grew larger and
They stood side by side as the queue grew bigger and
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