The car came to a stop on the road.
The steps to my house on the hill are steep.
He writes using a small stub and the page is messy.
The officer is asking him to state his name.
The kids stayed in the park for the game today.
I stood at the back of the hall to hear the service.

Her job is to stitch the items for the stage scenery.
All the stuff in the big box is yours to keep.
Hannah cooked us a delicious meal on the stove.
My job is to stack the food packages for the shop.
The boys had some sticks they got out of the woods.
They saw loads of steam coming out of the factory chimney.

The stem of this rose bush is too long.
The path had many stones and big holes.
The bee may sting if you move the stick it is on.
Does he still have a job in the city office?
Go to the store and see if they have some coffee.
I read the kids the long story in the animal tales book.

I will take the book and post it to the office.
The family all posed for a photo in the park.
This job is the best I have had in a long time.
My new job is based in the city on the south side.
I have to take a test on my reading on Monday.
You must remove all this dust which is on the surface.

He cast all the money into the chest.
I am going to write some text for my book.
We have a new guest at the hotel today.
The kids guessed the dog’s name which was Bob.
I sat in the park and gazed at the sunny scene.
It is time he faced up to having to do this long job.

He said the kids are always fazed by the exams.
We are going to cook up a vast feast of cakes.
I have advised him to invest his savings at the bank.
We have a revised rota for the staff to do today.
I missed my bus because of the heavy mist in the valley.
The sparrows have a large nest at the top of my house.

The shiest boys may decide to go to the party at last.
Get the staff to write a list of all the new names.
I think he should at least have given them an answer.
I think all this ice is going to make the pipes burst.
I have sourced all the sliced foods for the chef to use.
Can you assist the office staff in this long job?

The boy seized the dog which by now had ceased barking.
The lads must make haste and get to the shop right away.
The staff are now housed in the top rooms of the office.
Take the road going west to get to the waste facility.
The lads raced in the park, followed by a minute's rest.
We have always used this car park for our bikes.

We seem to have many pests on our rose bushes.
Sally always posts the packages in the village store.
He always boasts of his money in the savings scheme.
They will have to take many tests to get a job in the bank.
I think the costs on this new car are far too high.
The tall house on the hill casts a long shadow in the valley.

Can you read the texts for us to see if we have any errors?
All the wedding guests stayed for the whole day.
The kids like having all these feasts on Saturdays.
I think she invests her money in the City Bank.
I took photos of the mists, snow and fog.
The hawks have some nests up on the hill.

Ask all the staff to make lists of the things they do*.
The officer arrests the lad and takes him to the house.
Jack always assists me to do some of my long jobs.
The lady rests on the bench for a few minutes.
This book just wastes my time in reading it.
The hotel always hosts a party for its many guests.
* "they do"
is not phrased here, as that would be the same as "they had" which would also make

They will be testing my car at the garage today.
Exams are a time of testing, to see if you can write.
We had a heavy dusting of snow last Monday.
He was just jesting as he said some of his jokes.
I am suggesting you come and do the adjusting for us.
I sat on the sofa digesting the delicious hotel meal.

Maggie is an artistic lady and does seaside scenes.
I think he makes up lists of statistics in his job.
Can you sew this length of elastic into the waist for me?
It is a fantastic house but can you justify the cost of it?
He thinks he is a mystic because of the books he reads.
I think this plastic toy is going to mystify the kids.

It is the custom here to give food to the guests.
He used caustic soda to get the stuff off the bath.
I live on a farm and I own much livestock.
He had to stack all the wood and make up a haystack.
The room was dusty and its dustiness was making me ill.
He is a testy lad and his testiness is testing my patience.

You must post this package or he will get upset.
It was in no way the best for them, to be beset by all this.
I ask if he passed the test and his face gives a tacit
I know he is dazed but he can still decide to take the post.
You must speak no deceit and say why dust is on the food.
They say no cost was too big to cosset the two boys.

Sew up the hole in the gusset, to keep the gusts out!
They have to come fast to repair the faucet for us.
James put on his best vest and paid us a visit.
It will take the rest of the day to reset all the office alarms.
Can you step up to the job and do this setup for us?
The movie star wrote a satire on her days on the stage.

This lovely pasty you have cooked is nice and tasty.
The day is going to be misty followed by sunny times.
The fog and mists always make the boy chesty.
The nasty room was offset by the nice vista of the sea.
I shall ask Stacy to be our guest at the wedding.
You may wish to stash all the cash in the back of the box.

I shall be paying this cheque into the bank on Wednesday.
I am going to be typing the book passages all day today.
The kids are wrapping the things for the sale tomorrow.
I saw
Harry eating his food in the sitting room.
I am staying in the house today as it is my day off.
I shall be sitting on the bench at the back of the house.

We have a notice stating we must pay the bill soon.
If I have the time, I shall be editing my book tomorrow.
My boss is going to be watching me as I do the task.
It was exciting going to the cinema last Tuesday.
The dogs are always chewing the rugs in our house.
I am attaching a notice which says the things we must do.

The lad was hoeing all the rows in the veg patch.
I am just airing the room out on this sunny day.
The chef was stirring the tomato soup on the hob.
I can hear the kids tearing the colouring pages out.
It is so tiring doing this long editing task.
We are going to be hiring Josh for a few months.

He will be posting the packs to you next Monday.
This car repair is costing us loads of money.
I am assisting the boss as he writes the text for the notice.
You are wasting your time if you think he is going to help.
I have seen the page listing all the names of the staff.
They will have to decide the best way of investing the cash.

They had some pangs as they saw the guests leave the hotel.
If I tap the vase I get a loud ping noise.
We saw the ping-pong balls pinging back and forth.
Use the tongs to pick up the cakes for the guests.
The soup had the tang of tomato and herbs in it.
The dog licked up the milk on its long tongue.

I am putting your name on the list for speaking tomorrow.
They should in no way be subjecting the guests to all this.
Are the ladies coming to the party in Sally’s house?
Thank you for giving the kids all those lovely toys.
I was thinking of taking the test a month early.
He will be receiving an email thanking him for his help.

I am being so lazy, sitting in the shade all day.
I am going to the office and shall be doing some editing.
I am having a garage sale at my house soon.
I am wishing to buy a nice vase for her birthday.
I know owning a house does involve many repairs.
The lads are influencing the kids to stay away.

We took all the wrappings off the large package.
We have a rota for the pairings and sittings for the meals.
We like to go on outings to the seaside and the hills.
They had some stirrings of a desire to visit the city.
They have given us the costings to repair the house.
Can you get me a copy of all the listings for the items?

This high cost has caused us to lose a few sales.
We know the poorest folk can seldom buy the purest food.
I was amused by his book and amazed at its low cost.
It seems the first job you do is always the most low paid.
This book may influence him as he is easily influenced.
I have to do this job next and write it up by Monday.

I am still at the bank although I wish I had a different job.
It is almost five and the typing is almost ready.
We have six staff in the post room at our largest office.
The youngest of the kids are staying at the house.
The food was mostly tasty home cooked items.
Our guests mostly ate the largest of the cakes.

The bikes are going as fast as the
The staff have to do the job as
fast as they can.
We are going as fast as we can on our bikes.
I think last year our sales
rose much higher.
Last year’s staff are having a leaving party tomorrow.
We now have the minutes for the
last year's business.

She said at first she
was happy in the job.
You may have some issues on the job at first.
We are going on holiday to the seaside at last.
I am happy to say he has got a nice house
We must have at least four staff in the office
on Mondays.
You must stay for at least
a year to get the pay rise.
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