The guy bought a cheap tie at our shop.
Keep your eye on the time as they may arrive at five.
Pile the pies up in the china bowl and wipe the knife.
Type the sign and make a nice design for the edges.
Take my advice and buy a nicer bike.
It is time to go to the site and see inside the office.

They will have to decide on the right design for the book.
It is wise to keep your eye on the fires in the rooms.
Riding the bikes many miles may give them sore thighs.
had a desire to see the tide at the wide bay.
The spy
took the forms out of the office cabinet.
They think we are wrong but it is wiser to be on our side.

We do like to see the red sky and the sun rising.
They may sigh at the sight of the nice bike we bought.
They will be arising at eight and having a bite to eat.
They have tied the box up but it may arrive minus its tag.
The kids vie to be on the team and buy its cap and badge.
They will decide to go, if they stay alive or if they die.

We can dye the top but she will have to buy some shoes.
Mike was a shy kid but liked to lie in the sun.
They liked the rye cookies and the nice bite size rice cakes.
The guy had a wry smile because of the inside joke.
I rely on my bike to go on the farm roads.
We shall take your advice and rise at six tomorrow.

The boy had a big choice of toys in his large toy box.
It was a day of joy as Roy wed Moira on Saturday.
It will cause much joy for us if we receive a small invoice.
Jack is
feeding the red koi fish in my large pool.
The lad was too coy to ask Joy to come to his party.
At times the milk boils onto the gas ring.

It was much toil to get the rope into a firm coil.
His voice was noisy and carried a long way.
We are going to make the soil ready for the rose bushes.
The faulty boiler was the reason for the poison air.
Joy thinks the boys annoy the customers in the shop.
On the farm they have to till the soil, ready for seed time.

We are going out today as we like to be outside in the sun.
they delay, this may allow the milk to go sour.
They may decide the outlay for this should be
It was a big row and all we can say is “Ouch!”
The county farm has a nice outlook but the noise is loud.
The noise of the cow outside was so loud we awoke.

We have a big lounge at the back and a pool right outside.
The outlook is of the south side of the big city.
going outside in a minute to feed the farm cows.
The row of the cars was too loud for the family.
We are allowed to go to the mouth of the bay to fish.
They may allow us to talk to the customers outside.

We shall be going to the bureau on Tuesday the tenth of May.
We are sorry to have to say, the music day was a failure.
We shall resume our duties at the office in a month or two.
We got into the boat and saw some tuna in the bay.
The fish we had was too puny to keep so we put it back.
They keep the tubes for the bike in the shed.

She keeps all the beauty things in the bathroom.
The boiler in the bathroom was making too many fumes.
I assume they have seen Mary's message on the notice.
We are sad to know of the abuse of the animals.
She will have to get a suit for Mark on Tuesday.
It suits the way they like to do those jobs.

The office they occupy is a large cube shape.
café has
cubes of wood for the customers to sit on.
had some tuna fish cakes for lunch.
Sue may decide to sue the business for the money.
We shall resume the music if they wish us to do so.
was fuming because they had given the wrong name.

We have ice on the roads and the paths are also icy.
It is too icy for the kids to be going to the park today.
Tom said the boy was idle and we saw the ire in his eyes.
The idol was a small item which they put in the suitcase.
We think Isaac is going to decide to buy an Ipad.
We think they said Ivy and Ivor are an Irish family.

The bow of the ship was fairly low in the sea.
They will use the sum of money to endow the firm.
She sat in the pew and took a vow to do the right thing.
The dew in the park makes it unsafe for games.
The view out of the window was of a wide bay.
We take
issue on this nasty speech they spew at us.

Give them a tissue so they can wipe the stew off the menu.
A row may ensue if the boys lose the bikes.
Pussy may mew if they get a big dog.
We have a new bike but we had to queue to get it.
customers may argue if they have to queue outside.
at Eight The Avenue*
in the city.
* Tick The not used, as this is a

Go and buy some oil at the garage in New Road.
Guy has got his oily rag and has oiled his bike.
The wedding pair are going up the
aisle today.
She had makeup on the eyelids
and lovely long
We are going to visit the isles in the south for two months.
We now have a new office in the city of Lucknow.

The judge is now talking to the jury on the subject.
The owl makes no noise as it goes by the window.
The animal’s big eyes give it an owlish look.
They may deny they got the invoice for the repairs.
will deny they knew the family
at the time.
It is nigh on forty years since she was at the office.

We shall be buying a new bike on Wednesday.
have to read five books for the biology exams.
The animals are dying because of the lack of food.
The kids’ diet is far too low in oils for them.
She has paid the bill for the repair to the dial on the watch.
Mike may write a diary on his days at the seaside.

She was lying in the sun on a big red rug.
They are vying to get into the games on Sunday.
It is no use denying the boys took the baby’s toys.
We saw a riot at the factory gate because of the rate of pay.
Jack had a wide boyish smile and red cheeks.
We took a voyage on a big ship to the South Seas.

We think she is annoying the dogs in the park.
We are relying on them being loyal to the family firm.
We think they are enjoying all the time off they now have.
We have to decide on the power shower we wish to install.
We shall have to buy some new towels for the bathroom.
The boys are going to make a tall tower out of the wood.

We have fewer customers now and so less money.
We saw a load of viewers at the ball game on Saturday.
reviewer of the book writes of the duel scene.
This car is newer and we shall be viewing it tomorrow.
They saw loads of buyers queuing outside the shops.
Pussy is mewing because she is outside in the snow.

We are suing the factory because of all the packing errors.
The boss is issuing a new safety book for the factory.
We think they are valuing the time they have on the ship.
She is renewing the passbook at the office today.
The radii are the same, because the shape size is the same.
The boy wrote the wrong spelling for “genii”.

They had an amazing time at the
county fair.
We had an amusing time at the
The banks may oppose these new money
The king may decide to pass some new
We know the food in the café is pure.
We think the food in the shop was poor.

are we going to pay for
all these items?
Why they stay at the job is
beyond me.
You said you
wish to see me at the office
Now you have your
own office, it is easy to do your
Owing to the bank rate, our
savings are fairly small.
They said you speak the
language of the folk in the city.

The young lady in the park had two
young kids.
We like owning our bikes so we can
ride all day.
They always like to ride in our car
to the seaside.
We have always bought our food at
this shop.
They may say it is all right to go
out of the office.
We think it is all right for young
kids to be in the park.

I speak
and I say
all the things I see.
I spoke to the lad who
I had seen.
I suppose you
know I do have a car now.
I think they
may like the food
I have given to them.
I think you
may wish to see our
customers tomorrow.
I thank you
for your book and
I shall read it soon.

I wish
to go to Canada and
I shall book up tomorrow.
I have had to bank all the cash which
we had in the office.
Today I take my exams and
I shall be going back at five.
I take
it you have seen my book
on the subject of farming.
I think
she knows
I wish to go to the new office.
Say to Jack I thank them all for the
lovely cake.

I can
I will have to buy some books
for you.
I am
going to write an essay
for my exam tomorrow.
They may ask if I am going to be in
the office on Monday.
I may
give them my answer by
four or five.
Say to them I may have the package
ready for them soon.
I give
them my time because they
wish me to do so.

They say I go too far in my views on
this subject.
I write
my book in the small
back room.
I will
come to the office and
I will do the job
for you.
I will be
taking my kids to the
beach tomorrow.
I like
to take my dogs to the
wide bay.
If I give you some money,
you can buy some food for us.

You may
wish to go to the county
office to pay the bill.
I know you are the right lady to do
this new job.
You will have
to sit and pass all the
bank exams.
You should be
at the office by eight
on Wednesday.
You should have
your pad and book
at the ready.
It will be nice if you can pass those
exams tomorrow.

You can
take him to the show
which you
saw on
I have
a cake for you and I
wish to give it to you today.
They wish to speak to you and give
some books to you.
If you are
in the city,
you can get some photos
if you
We have you
on our books as a new
If this exam is beyond you, you will
have to sit it in July.

Are you
going to take this food
to the
Can you
see me on Monday to view
the boat I am buying?
I wish to give you
the money so
you can buy some new toys.
I am
to take you to see the shop
I have in the village.
We saw you
going into the city park
on Tuesday.
If we can see you on Sunday,
we can give you the bike.
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