Long Live Pitman's Shorthand! Lessons 

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Lesson 1 Exercises





Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Pay up. Pay Ed. Pay Joe. Pay Deb.
Ted paid Deb. Deb paid Joe. Joe paid Abe.
Pay a debt. A page edge. Date a page.
The page edge. The jet age. A pub bet.
An aid debt. An aid boat. A taupe boat.

A pay-day date. A debt date.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
Date page eight. Date page aitch.
Tape a page. Tape an ode.
Dub a tape. Touch an ape toe.
Touch a page. Touch an edge.

Touch a toad. Touch a boat.
Tow a boat. The Dutch boat depot.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand
A Dutch pub. A Dutch babe. A Dutch ode.
The Dutch bay. The Tay Bay ebb.
Bait an ape. Bait a pup. A pub jape.

Poach a chub. Etch a page.
An oboe. A butt. The bow. The dope.
Budge a boat. A boat jut. A jet boat.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Pay Abe eight a day.
Deb Page paid Ed Pope.

Joe paid Dutch Ted.
The judge paid a debt.
Ted owed a pub debt.
Ted owed Deb a debt.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Ted paid a debt, Deb owed a debt.

Joe owed a boat debt.

The judge owed Joe a debt.
Chay Page owed a pay-day debt.
Abe Pope owed a pub debt.

The boat towed a boat.


Pitman's New Era Shorthand

Job towed a Dutch boat.
Ed Judge towed a boat.
A Dutch judge towed a boat.

Deb, a babe, ate a date.

Pep, a doe, ate an oat.

Ed Page owed Abe Page.

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"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

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